Many people wrongly believe that when
people reach old age, their families place them in nursing homes. They are left
in the {{U}} (67) {{/U}} of strangers .for the rest of their lives. Their
{{U}} (68) {{/U}} children visit them only occasionally, but more often,
they do not have any {{U}} (69) {{/U}} visitors. The truth is that this
idea is an unfortunate myth--an {{U}} (70) {{/U}} story. In fact, family
members provide over 80 percent of the care {{U}} (71) {{/U}} elderly
people need. Samuel Preston, a sociologist, studied {{U}} (72) {{/U}} the
American family is changing. He reported that by the time the {{U}} (73)
{{/U}} American couple reaches 40 years of age, they have more parents than
children. {{U}} (74) {{/U}}, because people today live longer after an
illness than people did years {{U}} (75) {{/U}}, family members must
provid A. growing B. grow C. grown D. grows [单项选择]头影测量Y轴角小说明()。
A. 上颌后缩 B. 上颌前突 C. 下颌前突 D. 下颌后缩 E. 双颌前突 [单选题]LED色灯机构发光二极管损坏数量达到()时,不能影响信号显示的规定距离。
A.10% B.20% C.30% D.40% [单选题]其他线路双线之一线或单线行车中断6小时以上10小时以下,双线行车中断3小时以上10小时以下构成()。
A.一般A类事故 B.一般B类事故 C.一般C类事故 D.一般D类事故 [单选题]正线龙洞站至滩头站采用()行车。
A.双线左侧 B.双线右侧 C.单线左侧 D.单线右侧 [判断题]乘车证的种类分为10种。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]消防水泵结合器的数量应按室内消防用水量计算确定,每个消防水泵结合器的流量按照()L/s计算。
A. 5~10 B. 10~15 C. 15~206 D. 20~25 [填空题]The following passage contains TEN errors. Each line contains a maximum of one error. In each case, only one word is involved. You should proofread the passage and correct it.
During the early years of this century, wheat was seen as the very lifeblood of Western Canada. People on city streets watched the yields and the price of wheat in almost as much feeling as if they were growers. (1)_________ The marketing of wheat became an increasing favorite topic of conversation. (2)_________ War set the stage for the most dramatic events in marketing the western crop. For years, farmers mistrusted speculative grain selling as carried on through the Winnipeg Grain Exchange. Wheat prices were generally low in the autumn, so farmers could not wait for (3)_________ market to improve. It had happened too often that they sold their wheat soon shortly after harvest when farm debts were coming due, [判断题]如客户购买大额存单系首次与我行建立业务关系,则应按照《中信银行公司金融客户尽职调查管理办法(1.0版,2020年)》的有关规定做好受益所有人识别工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]本小题1分在思科san交换机运行的vsan上添加一条zone,需要进行的操作有(____)。
A.查看vsan生效的zoneset名称 B.将zone添加至vsan C.将zone添加至对应zoneset D.重新激活对应zoneset [多选题]对发包人而言,设计施工总承包合同的优点有()
A.单一的合同责任 B.减少发包人对承包人的检查 C.减少承包人的索赔 D.固定工期 E.减少设计变更 [单项选择]根据《会计法》的规定,主管全国会计工作的部门是( )。
A. 全国人大常务委员会 B. 中国会计学会 C. 国务院财政部门 D. 中国注册会计师协会 [单选题]旅客站台分为低站台、高站台,其中,高站台高度为( )mm。
A.550 B.850 C.1250 D.1450 [单选题]国外流量系数常以Cv表示,它定义的条件和实验测得的数据与国内的()。(1.0分)
A.不同 B.相同 C.不采用 [判断题]测量交流电路和有功电能时,因是交流电,故其电压线圈、电流线圈和各两个端可任意接在线路上。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]反映肾小管重吸收功能的指标是
A.尿量 B.肾浓缩-稀释功能 C.酚红排泄率 D.血肌酐 E.尿/血渗透压比值 [单选题]下列转移支付中,不属于一般性转移支付的是( )。
A.均衡性转移支付 B.支农转移支付 C.民族地区转移支付 D.调整工资转移支付 [多项选择]06年个人车险业务亏损的经营乞讨善方案包括以下几个方面?()
A. 整体业务细分类型,提升保费充足性 B. 代理人业务分级管理,给予不同的手续费率 C. 亏损业务每月逐单跟踪,严格承保条件 D. 亏损机构发放预警通知,限期整改 E. 加强未决赔款和额案件管理 [简答题]地球同步(geosynchronous)卫星是指:
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]防爆电器设备检查可分为()四个程序,即各有重点又不可分割。
A. 初始检查 B. 例行检查 C. 定期检查 D. 抽样检查 [判断题]列尾值班员接到车站值班员列车及单机开行或到达计划后,及时通知助理值班员出场摘取或送交设备。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交