Early in the film "A Beautiful Mind,"
the mathematician John Nash is seen sitting in a Princeton court- yard, hunched
over a playing board covered with small black and white pieces that look like
pebbles. He was playing Go(围棋), an ancient Asian game. Frustration at losing
that game inspired the real Nash to pursue the mathematics of game theory,
research for which he eventually was awarded a Nobel Prize. In recent years, computer experts, particularly those specializing in artificial intelligence, have felt the same fascination and frustration. Programming other board games has been a relative snap. Even chess has succumbed to the power of the processor. Five years ago, a chess-playing computer called "Deep Blue" not only beat but thoroughly humbled Garry Kasparov, the world champion at that time. Tha A. a photo B. a sudden sharp cracking sound C. a sudden attempt to grasp D. an easy job [多选题]飞行性能管理工作中,为了提高监控参数的准确程序,在相同条件下比较监控的性能和基本特性,需要对以下哪些监控参数作一些修正
A.能量修正 B.重心修正 C.燃油热值的修正 D.雷诺数修正 [多项选择]下列属于阴证的证候是()。
A. 表 B. 里 C. 实 D. 虚 [单项选择]患者男性,35岁,因急腹症拟诊急性阑尾炎手术,术后送检。该种炎症多是由于哪种细菌引起的()
A. 金黄色葡萄球菌 B. 白色葡萄球菌 C. 绿脓杆菌 D. 溶血性链球菌 E. 结核杆菌 [简答题]孔隙性渗透性的好坏通常由孔隙度和渗透率来表示。
A. 定期寿险的优点是可以用极为低廉的保费获得一定期限内较大的保险保障 B. 定期寿险的不足之处是如果约定期满被保险人仍然生存,则保险人不给付保险金,但可以退还保费 C. 定期寿险的投保人容易产生逆向选择 D. 定期寿险的保费低于终身保险和养老保险 [判断题]行驶时,货叉底端距地高度应保持150-300mm,门架须后倾,与路口、行人或阻碍视线区域时,要鸣笛告知 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]肝脏多期CT扫描观察门脉栓塞时,延迟扫描的时间是()
A. 22~25秒 B. 35~45秒 C. 55~60秒 D. 70~75秒 E. 100~120秒 [判断题]轨道交通地下工程(车站、隧道等)结构外边线外侧五十米内为轨道交通控制保护区范围
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]动作轨迹
[单选题]SO2 测试仪主要是测量锅炉尾部烟气中()
A.二氧化硫的浓度 B.硫的浓度 C.二氧化硫的质量 D.硫的质量 [简答题]问题同上
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