Passage Two Tribute to Dr. Carlo Urbani, Identifier of $ARS (1) On the 29th of March, 2003, the World Health Organization doctor Carlo Urbani died of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, the fast-spreading pneumonia that had killed 54 people worldwide. (2) The 46-year-old Italian doctor was the first WHO officer to identify the outbreak of this new disease in an American businessman. Dr. Urbani first saw the US businessman on Feb. 28, two days after the patient had been admitted to a hospital in Hanoi. Although Urbani had worn a mask, he lacked goggles and other protective clothing. He began demanding that Hanoi hospitals stock up on protective gear and tighten up infection control procedures. But he was frustrated at how long it was taking to teach infection-control procedures to people A. Dr. Urbani caught SARS from an American businessman who was hospitalized in Hanoi. B. There were not enough disposable masks, gowns, gloves and protective equipment. C. He knew he had little hope to survive after he was found infected. D. Dr. Urbani had helped combating the new disease by putting in place a series of infection-control measures. [判断题]车站接发列车人员使通过列车在站内临时停车时,待停车原因消除后,由车站按规定发车。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]被羁押的犯罪嫌疑人的近亲属申请取保候审,公安机关如不同意取保候审的,应当书面通知犯罪嫌疑人,并说明理由。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]有限空间作业监护人应接受作业负责人在作业前的安全交底、危险点告知等内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]线路允许速度小于120km/h的线路,道岔基本轨顶面擦伤深度达到( ),应及时修理或更换。
A.0.5~1.0mm B.1~2mm C.1.5~2mm D.2~2.5mm [判断题]紧急故障的严重度可以为"一般"
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]更换防盗底板时,防盗底板纵向中心线与车体横向中心线的夹角误差须小于()。
A. 3º B. 4º C. 5º D. 6º [多项选择]【真题试题】(2010年多项选择第51题) 甲公司对乙公司享有到期债权未获清偿,经甲公司多次催讨,乙公司均以经营困难导致无力偿还为由予以拒绝。甲公司经多方了解,得知乙公司曾将其优质资产租赁给乙的控股公司丙公司,且有一笔到期的租金怠于主张权利。关于甲公司主张代位权的说法,正确的有()。
A. 甲公司可以仲裁的方式行使代位权 B. 甲公司行使代位权只能以乙公司的义向人民法院提起诉讼 C. 甲公司行使代位权的必要费用,应由乙公司承担 D. 甲公司胜诉后,丙公司应直接向甲公 我来回答: 提交