上海市的二手房交易呈现()态势。Japan’s old imperial army never went into the field
without a group of "comfort women" for the troops. Many male office workers in
modern Japan (and in Japanese branches abroad) seem to think they are still at
war. Women workers, even those with university degrees, are expected to do all
the humble tasks: greet the visitors, make the tea, tidy up the office
afterwards and then leave the firm as soon as they get married and have a child.
Come party time, they are often pressed into behaving like bar
hostesses. The fort of Japanese male chauvinism—the old guard of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party—has unintentionally done more than most to change all that. The sex scandal that marked the brief prime ministership of Mr. Sosuke Uno last summer outraged many women, and helped the opposition to its success in the upper-house electio A. Japanese male chauvinism is to be brought under control soon B. little result has been achieved C. the law takes no notice of their rights at all D. many Japanese female victims have been compensated for the damage [多项选择]绝对真理和相对真理的关系是( )。
A. 绝对真理通过相对真理表现出来 B. 相对真理中包含着绝对真理的成分 C. 相对真理和绝对真理没有固定不变的界限 D. 任何真理都是相对真理和绝对真理的统一 [单项选择]单臂式自动开关门机主要用于()门。
A. 中分式 B. 旁开式 C. 直分式 D. 旋开式 [判断题]工作票是准许在电气设备上工作的书面安全要求之一,可包含编号、工作地点、工作内容、停电范围和安全措施,以及工作票签发人、工作许可人、工作负责人和工作班成员等内容。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]
(一) A. 提单、进出口货物完税证明 B. 《征免税证明》、入境货物通关单 C. 提单和《进口配额许可证》 D. 报关单、发票及商品检验证明 [判断题]从业人员在作业过程中,应当严格遵守本单位的安全生产规章制度和操作规程,服从管理,正确佩戴和使用劳动防护用品。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]斜井与平巷维修工作的安全作业要求,错误的是()
A. 平巷修理或扩大断面,应首先加固工作地点附近的支架,然后进行拆除工作 B. 修理密集支架巷道时,密集支架的拆除一次不得超过两架 C. 维修斜井时,应停止车辆运行,并设警戒和明显标志 D. 修理独头巷道,工作面附近应设人检查安全,修理工作应从里向外进行 我来回答: 提交