"Cool" is a word with many meanings.
Its traditional meaning is used to {{U}} (36) {{/U}}a temperature that is
fairly cold. As the world has {{U}} (37) {{/U}}, however, the word has
expanded to{{U}} (38) {{/U}}many different meanings. "Cool" can be used to express feelings of{{U}} (39) {{/U}}in almost anything. When you see a brand-new car in the street, maybe you can’t help{{U}} (40) {{/U}}, "It’s cool." You might think, "He’s so cool," when you see your{{U}} (41) {{/U}}footballer. We all enlarge the meaning of "cool". You can use it{{U}} (42) {{/U}}many words such as "new" or "amazing." Here’s an interesting story we can see{{U}} (43) {{/U}}illustrate the usage of the word: A teacher asked her students to{{U}} (44) {{/U}}the waterfall they had visited. On one stude A. normal B. necessary C. impossible D. natural [多选题]担保人办理内保外贷业务时,应对()进行审核,对是否符合境内外相关法律法规进行尽职调查,并以适当方式监督债务人按照其申明的用途使用担保项下资金。
A.债务人主体资格 B.担保项下资金用途 C.预计的还款资金来源 D.担保履约的可能性及相关交易背景 [简答题][背景]
[单选题]无水土质基础底面,宜按基础设计平面尺寸,每边加宽不小于( )。
A.20 cm B.30cm C.50cm D.80 cm [单选题]道路运输危险货物车辆标志分为()。
A.标志线和标志牌 B.标志牌和标志灯 C.标志线和标志灯 D.标志牌和标志图 [单项选择]患者男性,60岁。健康体检结果:心肺(-),X线检查未见异常。实验室检查:血清Na+142mmol/L,K+3.6mmol/L,BUN6.5mmol/L,Ca2+2.92mmol/L,P1.05mmol/L,ALB45g/L,ALP72U/L。该患者实验室检查结果表现为()
A. 慢性肾功能不全 B. 高钙血症 C. 低磷血症 D. 低钙血症 E. 高磷血症 [单项选择]黄芪桂枝五物汤的组成是( )
A. 桂枝汤加黄芪 B. 桂枝汤去甘草加黄芪 C. 桂枝汤去大枣加黄芪 D. 桂枝汤加黄芪、人参 [填空题]
Dear Laura,
It was certainly so very kind of you and Ted to come to see me off! I know it wasn’t easy for you to get to the airport at such an early hour, so I do appreciate it all the more. Flying over water can get rather boring after a while, and your book of detective stories was really helpful. It was sweet and thoughtful of you to think of it. The flight was uneventful and we arrived at London right on schedule. My sister came to meet me at the airport. She is on vacation in London now and she will stay with me for about one week. She shared my happiness in enjoying the photos you took for me on your beautiful farm. Now I’m in my own home and I’m looking forward to receiving you here some day in the near future. We’ll have a nice time together again. My heart-felt thanks to you and Ted for the unforgettable time on your farm. It is such a pleasant holiday and I enjoyed every minute of it. [判断题]调车作业中,可以在走行中的棚车顶或装载超出车帮的货物上站立或走行。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]()是旅游文化的核心,()是旅游文化的基础。
[单选题]以下表述错误的是( )。(中)
A.重型支撑套具只能用于建(构)筑物倒塌救援。 B.重型支撑套具也可以用于沟渠或隧道救援。 C.在进入危险建筑物中实施救援前需要使用支撑顶杆,对危险的建筑物进行支撑固定,以保护救援者与被救援者。 D.重型支撑套具主要用于建(构)筑物倒塌救援,必要时可以组合使用。 [单选题]内爬升塔式起重机的固定间隔不宜小于( )楼层。
A.2个 B.3个 C.4个 D.5个 我来回答: 提交