If you ask someone, they’ll say that the bank is where you can cash a cheque. But it’s more than that and we have to tell people that in our advertisements. There are several things to think a- bout. When do you start I mean at what age. That is the first problem. I think you must start very young. So we said, "Let’s introduce the name of the bank to children and they will never forget it." The next question is this: How do you attract the different age groups My partner said," Why don’t we use a gimmick for each age group Give them something for nothing—money boxes for young children, T-shirts for teenagers, gold pens for young executives. "That always works. But what do you give to your best customers That’s another question. What about leather diaries, for example
Banks are very competitive. How do you think of something new That’s always a problem. We were one of the first banks to have drive-in banks and t
The earth is witnessing an urban
revolution, as people worldwide crowd into towns and cities. In 1800 only five
per cent of the world’s population were urban dwellers; now the proportion has
risen to more than forty-five percent, and by the year 2010 more people will
live in towns and cities than in the countryside. Humanity will, for the first
time, have become a predominantly urban species. Though the world is getting more crowded by the day, absolute numbers of population are less important than where people concentrate and whether these areas can cope with them. Even densities, however, tell us nothing about the quality of the infrastructure—roads, housing and job creation, for example—or the availability of crucial services. The main question, then, is not how many people there are in a given area, but how well their needs c A. incentives to improve the slums B. land to squatters C. preference to urban areas D. hard currency to cities and towns [不定项选择题]A.《黄帝内经》
A.宋国宾《医业伦理学》 B.孙思邈《备急千金要方》 C.希波克拉底《希波克拉底誓言》 D.帕茨瓦尔《医学伦理学》 E.最早明确提出保守医密和反对堕胎这两条医德规范的是( ) [填空题]验电时,必须使用电压等级合适而且( )的验电器,在检修设备进出线两侧( )分别验电。
[填空题]全国人民代表大会会议每年举行一次,由( )召集。
[单选题]何首乌药材断面的云锦状花纹(异常维管束)存在的位置是( )。
A.木部及髓部 B.髓部 C.木部 D.皮部及髓部 E.皮部 [单选题]《南昌局集团公司旅客列车便携式视频监控装置管理办法》(南铁辆〔2019〕199号)规定记录器存储卡为不可拆卸时,出退乘时不拆装存储卡,客运段需使用视频数据时,提前与()联系,入库时客运段到库内下载记录器数据。
A.客调 B.列调 C.车辆段 D.车辆部 [单选题]音响信号中,急促的长声表示( )。
A.停止 B.紧急停止 C.微动 [单项选择]以消费者为核心重视企业行为和市场行为,综合协调地使用各种形式的传播方式,以统一的目标和统一的传播形象、传播一致的产品信息,实现与消费者的双向沟通,迅速树立产品品牌在消费者心目中的地位,建立产品与消费者长期密切的关系,更有效地达到广告传播和产品行销的目的,这被称为()。
A. 大市场营销 B. 营销信息系统 C. 整合营销传播 D. 宣传 [单选题]《山东省实施〈党政机关厉行节约反对浪费条例〉办法》规定,违反《条例》和本办法规定造成浪费,情节较重的( )。
A.通报批评或者调离岗位 B.批评教育 C.责令作出检查 D.诫勉谈话 [单项选择]当偿债备付率( )时,表示可用于还本付息的资金不足以偿付当期债务。
A. 大于1 B. 小于1 C. 大于2 D. 小于2 [判断题]品酒用什么杯都行。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]24岁初孕妇。妊娠33周,头痛6天,经检查血压160/110mmHg,治疗3天无显效。今晨5时突然出现剧烈腹痛。检查子宫板状硬。最可能的诊断是
A. 妊娠合并急性阑尾炎 B. 胎盘早剥 C. 前置胎盘 D. 先兆子宫破裂 E. 先兆早产 [判断题]治安调解协议书对当事人和公安机关不具有确定力、约束力和执行力。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]作业过程中,驻站联络员与现场防护员必须保持通讯畅通,每隔( )联系一次。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]______ men invented certain sounds to express thoughts and actions.
A. Because they wanted to agree on certain signs B. As they needed to write them down C. Since they wanted to communicate with each other D. Now that they could combine them [单项选择]临床测定雌激素对以下哪种疾病无临床意义()
A. 判断闭经原因 B. 检测卵泡发育 C. 诊断子宫内膜异位症 D. 诊断无排卵月经 E. 女性性早熟 [单项选择]某单位进口一批钻石,货价1555万元,运抵我国海关前发生的运输费用、保险费用无法确定,经海关查实其他运输公司相同业务的运输费用占货价的比例为3%,关税税率为30%,该单位应向海关缴纳关税税额为()万元。
A. 481.94 B. 498.43 C. 592.75 D. 682.8 [多项选择]操作监测:系统自动记录重要操作(包括参数下发、控制下发、增删终端、增删电能表等)的()等信息,并在值班日志内自动显示。
A. 当前操作员 B. 操作时间 C. 操作内容 D. 操作结果 [单选题]汗出恶风,身重微肿,或肢节疼痛,小便不利,舌淡苔白,脉浮,宜选用的方剂是
A.猪苓汤 B.玉屏风散 C.防己黄芪汤 D.桂枝汤 E.五苓散 [多项选择]在弗里德曼的货币需求函数中,属于机会成本的变量有()。
A. 货币预期收益率 B. 固定收益债券利率 C. 预期物价变动率 D. 实际恒久收入变动率 E. 工资收入占总财富比率 [单项选择]在其他条件保持不变的情况下,一个城市的核心家庭比例增加,对住房的需求的变化是( )。
A. 减少 B. 不变 C. 增加 D. 无法判断 [多选题]铁路调车准备作业程序图包括()。
A.撤除防溜 B.布置计划 C.排(拉)风摘管 D.作业前检查 我来回答: 提交