Is your group really a team Teams are all the rage in the workplace today,and every organization speaks of the importance of teams.But just because a group of people work together does not necessarily make them a team.There are essential elements that identify teams,and nurturing them will help you become a good team leader. Let’s begin with a definition of what a team really is.Teams are groups of individuals who accomplish designated objectives by working interdependenlIy,communicating effectively,and making decisions that impact their day to day work.So the first question to ask yourself is,‘How close does my team come to this defin A. Team members should be aware of the designated objectives. B. Team members may sometimes abuse the decision-making power. C. Team members should contribute to the development of the team. D. Team members are entitled to make some decisions. [单项选择] A Small Event
One afternoon in January 1989, Suzan Sharp, 43, and her 8-year-old son, David ,were walking hard across an icy parking lot, when Suzan’’s cane (手杖)slid on the ice . She 【51】 face fist into the mud . David 【52】 to her side . "Are you all right, Mom "
【53】 , Suzan put herself up. "I’’m okay, honey." she said.
It had been nearly two years since Suzan had trouble walking. She was falling more 【54】 now. Every inch of ice was a 【55】 danger for her. " I could do something," the boy thought.
David, too, was having 【56】 of his own. The boy had a speech defect. At school he 【57】 asked questions or read aloud.
One day Davids teacher announced a 【58】 assignment. "Each of you is going to come up with an invention, "she said. This was for "INVENT AMERICA!", a national competition to encourage creativity in 【59】 . An idea hit David one evening. 【60】 only his mothers cane didn’t slip on ice ,he thought. "That’’s it!" David realiz
A. with B. to C. at D. off [单选题]证券公司的下列( )行为,不会受到处罚。
A.协助开户,对客户的开户资料和身份真实性等进行审查 B.代理客户进行期货交易、结算或者交割 C.收付、存取或者划转期货保证金 D.为客户从事期货交易提供融资或者担保 [判断题]从机舱外进入轮毂时应采取防坠措施,佩带安全双钩( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]【H】《防止电力生产事故的二十五项重点要求》对消防水系统有何要求?
[单选题]中世纪大学分为“先生大学”和“学生大学”,下列属于“学生大学”的是( )
A.意大利 B.英格兰 C.苏格兰 D.丹麦 [单项选择]根据我国《反不正当竞争法》规定,经营者给对方折扣、给中间人佣金的,必须()
A. 明码标价 B. 坐扣入帐 C. 如实上交 D. 如实入帐 [多项选择]陈某为撰写学术论文须引用资料,为避免引发纠纷,陈某就有关问题向赵律师咨询。赵律师的下列意见中哪些是可以采纳的( )
A. 既可引用发表的作品,也可引用未发表的作品 B. 只能限于介绍、评论或为了说明某问题而引用作品 C. 只要不构成自己作品的主要部分,可将资料全文引用 D. 应当向原作者支付合理的报酬 [判断题]轨面较低时,软横跨可采用按不大于接触线允许坡度升高接触线的方式安装。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]生产经营单位应当建立健全( ),采取技术、管理措施,及时发现并消除事故隐患。事故隐患排查治理情况应当如实记录,并向( )。
[多选题]墙体砌筑施工时,下列哪些墙体或部位不得设置脚手眼( )。
A.宽度小于1m的窗间墙 B.轻质墙体 C.梁或梁垫下及其左右500mm范围内 D.普通砖墙门窗洞口两侧200mm范围内 [单项选择]正常白带组成,下列哪项是错误的
A. 宫颈管腺体分泌 B. 阴道黏膜腺体分泌 C. 阴道黏膜渗出 D. 子宫内膜腺体分泌物 E. 宫颈及阴道黏膜脱落细胞 [单选题]临床上常见的是哪一类根尖周炎
A.急性根尖周炎浆液期 B.急性根尖周炎化脓期 C.根尖脓肿 D.急性根尖周炎 E.慢性根尖周炎 [判断题]1.24. 第24题 远程费控策略应用请求包括提醒、预警、取消预警、停电、复电。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]老年患者比青年人使用洋地黄时更易出现毒副作用的原因是
A. 心输出量减少 B. 肾脏功能降低 C. 肝脏代谢功能降低 D. 神经系统功能改变 E. 循环系统功能降低 [单选题]编入货物列车的关门车数超过现车总辆数( )时,须计算闸瓦压力。
A.12% B.10% C.6% D.2.5% [多项选择]当经济处于潜在产出水平以上,接近或达到最大能力时,会出现或将出现( )。
A. 通货膨胀率很高 B. 通货紧缩 C. 实际失业率高于自然失业率 D. 实际失业率低于自然失业率 E. 经济波谷 我来回答: 提交