Film is a medium that might have been
especially made for America, a vast country which, by the beginning of the
twentieth century, had a large {{U}} (67) {{/U}} population, many
of whom could {{U}} (68) {{/U}} speak English. These people would have
had {{U}} (69) {{/U}} use for theater, {{U}} (70) {{/U}} they
lived within easy distance of one, or {{U}} (71) {{/U}} most of the books
they could buy {{U}} (72) {{/U}} they did not have enough English. But
the movies--the silent movies—these they could all understand, so
{{U}} (73) {{/U}} America had more than any European country was a huge
{{U}} (74) {{/U}} audience, a large proportion of them pretty un
educated. And what these people wanted were {{U}} (75) {{/U}} stories in
which, {{U}} (76) {{/U}} the fact they couldn’t understand the
captions, the action {{U}} (77) {{/U}} all. In f A. moving B. subtle C. complicated D. simple [多选题]按物质产生爆炸的原因和性质可以分为( )。
A.物理爆炸 B.粉尘爆炸 C.化学爆炸 D.核爆炸 [单项选择]()的公司治理结构是指有关董事会的功能、结构、股东的权力等方面的制度安排。
A. 广义 B. 广泛 C. 狭义 D. 控制 [单选题]某公安分接到群众举报,有人在餐馆进行毒品交易,民警立即出警,现场抓获毒贩。在带离嫌疑人时,办案民警向餐馆老板和客人们致歉说:“我们是警察,正在执行任务,损坏的东西我们会补偿的,打扰大家用餐了!”这一举动获得在场群众一致点赞。这主要体现了人民警察职业道德的:
A.坚定的政治性 B.工作的坚韧性 C.行为的表率性 D.为民的服务性 [单项选择]免疫组织化学技术中,必须保证组织材料()
A. 取材新鲜 B. 形态保存良好 C. 抗原物质的抗原性不被破坏 D. 以上均包括 E. 以上均不包括 [单项选择]多血质的高级神经活动的基本类型为
A. 强、平衡、灵活 B. 强、不平衡、灵活 C. 强、平衡、不灵活 D. 弱、平衡 E. 弱、不平衡、不灵活 [单选题]( )发生故障,造成列车调度员与车站值班员间、相邻车站值班员间不能通话时,应使用铁路自动电话或GSM-R手持终端进行通话、办理有关行车手续。
A.无线调车灯显设备 B.有线调度通信系统设备 C.手持电台 D.列车运行监控装置 [单项选择]一3岁男孩,消瘦,左上腹部膨隆,并触及一肿块,声像图显示左肾区一较大实性肿块,部分肾组织被挤压一边,局部肾盂轻度积水,最可能为 ( )
A. 肾细胞癌 B. 肾母细胞瘤 C. 神经母细胞瘤 D. 肾错构瘤 E. 婴儿型多囊肾 [简答题]
【2009年度考试真题】 [单选题]关于我国宪法修改,下列哪一选项是正确的?( )(2014年)
A.我国修宪实践中既有对宪法的部分修改,也有对宪法的全面修改 B.经十分之一以上的全国人大代表提议,可以启动宪法修改程序 C.全国人大常委会是法定的修宪主体 D.宪法修正案是我国宪法规定的宪法修改方式 [名词解释]买卖合同
A. 最低资本要求与参股比例限制 B. 从事国际市场业务的资格与经验 C. 必须向本国银行监管机构提供其境外分支机构业务活动与经营管理情况的详细资料 D. 是否适合本国经济发展尤其国际贸易发展的需要 E. 是否存在重复设立海外分支机构的问题 [单项选择]What is the man’s suggestion on the marketing strategies
A. Launch a new promotion campaign. B. Target the 46 to 55 year-old age group. C. Produce more athletic shoes. D. Sell the fitness apparatus. [单选题]车票的免费更新时限为( )。
A.10分钟 B.15分钟 C.18分钟 D.20分钟 [填空题]依靠()一边旋转一边啮合,液体被一个或几个()上的螺旋槽带动沿着轴向排出,这样的一种机械就叫螺杆泵。属于()泵。
[单选题]B-A-E-003 4 2 2
捣固车在圬工桥面作业时,必须事先拆除护轨,测定轨枕底下道砟厚度,如厚度不足( )时,严禁进行捣固。 A.150mm B.200mm C.250mm D.300mm [多项选择]地下贮库的建设,从技术和经济角度,应考虑的主要因素包括______。
A. 地形条件 B. 出入口的建筑形式 C. 所在区域的气候条件 D. 与流经城区江河的距离 E. 地质条件 [单选题]下列不符合消防车道设置要求的是( )。
A.转弯半径应满足消防车转弯的要求 B.消防车道与建筑物之间不应设置架空管线 C.消防车道的净宽度和净空高度均不应小于4.0m D.消防车道的路面应能承受消防车的压力 [填空题]对于纵向连续的道床板和支承层混凝土裂缝伤损,一般采用表面封闭法进行修补,严禁在<--NRC-->进行注浆修补作业
[判断题]熔断器主要用作短路保护,在有冲击负荷时,可兼作过载保护使用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]外来工作人员从事有危险的工作时,应在有经验的本单位职工带领和监护下进行,并做好安全措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]易燃介质是指与空气混合的爆炸下限小于( ),或爆炸上限和下限值之差大于等于( )的气体。
A. 10%;20% B. 10%;15% C. 15%;30% D. 15%;40% [单选题]红单线是( )列车运行线画法
A. 旅客列车 B. 临时旅客列车 C. 重载列车 D. 快运货物列车 [单选题]中国第一个青年团早起组织的诞生后,为了便于团结、培养进步青年,并且为输送青年赴苏俄学习做准备,于1920年9月创办了。( )
A. 工学世界社 B.外国语学社 C.改造社 D.外语学习社 [单选题]Text 2 Should we be thinking of Facebook as a news site?Is that how Facebook thinks of itself?No,not primarily,Facebook now says.In a document posted on Wednesday,the company explained,for the first time,the"values"that govem its news feed,the scrolling list of posts that Facebook presents to its l.65 billion users every time they log on.Though it is couched in the anodyne language of a corporate news release,the document's message should come as a shock to everyone in the media business.According to these values,Facebook has a single overriding purpose,and it isn't news.Facebook is mainly for telling you what's up with your friends and family.Adam Mosseri,the Facebook manager in charge of the news feed,said in a recent interview that informing and entertaining users was also part of the company's mission.But he made clear that news and entertainment were secondary pursuits."We think more,spend more time and work on more projects that try to help people express themselves with their friends or learn about their friends or have conversations with their friends,"he said.As if to underscore the point,the company is making a tweak to its news feed ranking system to increase the prominence ofcoiitent from your friends and family over posts by news companies and other organizations.It is also waming news companies that their traffic might decline as a result of the change.These moves highlight a truth that tends to get lost in commentary about the social network's influence over the news:At Facebook,infonrung users about the world will always take a back seat to cute pictures of babies..Because Facebook does not think ofitself primarily as a news company,it seems to want us to stop expecting it to act like one.Whether we should,though,is a more complicated matter.The company has long been hounded by journalists and activists over its power to shape the news through its algorithms,or the code that determines which stories you see,in the news feed.The question of how to think about Facebook's role in the news-and whether we should demand the same standards of accuracy,objectivity,transparency and fairness that we expect from traditional outlets-may be the primary puzzle ofour new media age.According to Facebook,the values outlined in the document have been the informal governing philosophy of its news feed since it was started a decade ago,and Mr.Zuckerberg and Chris Cox,Facebook's chiefproduct officer,were deeply involved in drafiing the new document.26.According to the first paragraph,we can infer that Facebook.
A.was originally designed to be a news website. B.presents important news to its l.65 billion users. C.values the relationship with your family and friends most. D.doesn't want to work with media business. [单选题]换流阀冷却系统、阀厅空调系统、火灾报警系统及图像监视系统等工作,需要将高压直流系统停用者应填用()工作票。
A.第二种 B.带电作业 C.第一种 D.二次工作安全措施 [多选题](1.0分)模板及支架应根据安装、使用和拆除工况进行设计,并应满足( )、( )和( )要求。
A.承载力 B.刚度 C.强度 D.整体稳固性 E.可靠性 [单选题]在光线不足的作业场所及夜间作业的场所均应有( )。
A.监护人 B.警报器 C.警报灯 D.足够的照明 [填空题]( )原则上应按计划检修规定办理,特殊情况下可向值班调度员申请;( )可直接向值班调度员申请。
[单选题]选择词语的正确词形( )。
A.走头无路 B.走投无路 [单项选择]烧焦时,炉膛温度应达到()℃,可以向炉管内通风。
A. 300 B. 400 C. 450 D. 550 [单项选择]根据人群健康效应谱,从弱到强的5级效应的分布规律是()。
A. 两头大,中间小 B. 两头小大,中间大 C. 最弱的效应比例大 D. 最强的效应比例大 E. 都一样大 [单项选择]In. some ways the employment interview is like a persuasive speech because the applicant (interviewee) seeks to persuade the employer (interviewer) to employ him or her. Several suggestions might prove helpful to the applicant as preparation is made for the actual interview.
A job applicant has the responsibility for ascertaining certain types of information prior to the interview. First, the applicant should know what kind of job he wants and how that job relates to his career objective. It is important that the applicant be able to state his reasons for wishing to work for a particular company. Second, the applicant should seek as much information as possible concerning the company. Relevant information for the applicant to locate includes such items as the location of the home and regional offices, the financial status of the company, plans for expansion, and company philosophy. Information about most major corporations is available in reference books and periodicals. A. appearance B. speech C. manners D. confidence [单选题]提升钢丝绳以钢丝绳的标称直径为准,计算的直径减少量达到( )时,必须更换。
A.10% B.15% C.20% D.25% [单项选择]正式进入结账处理后的主要工作不包括( )。
A. 备份账套数据 B. 编制结账损益凭证 C. 年末结账要执行年度初始化 D. 往来核销 [判断题]学校、幼儿园、医院等以公益为目的的事业单位、社会团体以公益设施以外的财产为自己的债务设定抵押的,抵押无效。
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