Many Americans harbor a grossly
distorted and exaggerated view of most of the risks surrounding food. Fergus
Clydesdale, head of the department of food science and nutrition at the
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, says bluntly that if the dangers from
bacterially contaminated chicken were as great as some people believe, "the
streets would be littered with people lying here and there." Though the public increasingly demands no-risk food, there is no such thing. Bruce Ames, chairman of the biochemistry department at the University of California, Berkeley, points out that up to 10% of a plant’s weight is made up of natural pesticide (杀虫剂). Says he, "Since plants do not have jaws or teeth to protect themselves, they employ chemical warfare." And many naturally produced chemicals, though occurring in tiny amounts, prove in labor A. plants absorb useful chemicals to promote their growth B. plants produce certain chemicals to combat pests and diseases C. farmers use chemicals to protect plants against pests and diseases D. farmers use man-made chemicals to dissolve the natural chemicals in plants [单选题]《国家电网公司关于印发“深化基建队伍改革、强化施工安全管理”有关配套政策的通知》规定,12项配套政策目的是有针对性地解决业主单位“()”。
A.形同虚设 B.层层衰减 C.散兵作战 D.以包代管 [单项选择]海洋石油开发工程建造、安装保险的保险责任的确定基础是()。
A. 以建筑、安装工程一切险为基础,附加船舶碰撞责任、特约保险责任 B. 以建筑、安装工程物质损失险为基础,附加船舶碰撞责任、特约保险责任 C. 以建筑、安装工程一切险为基础,附加特种风险保险、收入损失保险 D. 以建筑、安装工程物质损失险为基础,附加特种风险保险、收入损失保险 [判断题]如果材料是加热后弯曲,由于塑性提高,可选较大的弯曲半径。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]所谓基准成本的感应性,是指成本变化时顾客服务水平的变化程度
[单选题]关于卵巢巧克力囊肿的描述,下列不正确的是( )
A.多累及双侧卵巢 B.囊肿直径多>5cm C.单个或多个囊肿 D.病理为黄体囊肿 E.囊肿常与邻近结构粘连 [判断题]统计内容不由生产性质所决定。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]发送文件一次重量超过20公斤或体积超过0.1立方米,发件单位须出具相关证明,在车站行包房办理托运手续,按包裹运送。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在陕西移动2021-2023年战略规划中,2021年这一阶段要求加强( )三线建设,夯实固移融合,云网融合发展的基础。
A.政企专线 B.家庭宽带 C.5G D.企业宽带 [单项选择] 阅读下面的短文,文中有15处空白,每处空白给出了4个选项,请根据短文的内容从4个选项中选择1个最佳答案。