{{B}}Oregon Mom Forced to Treat Baby for HIV{{/B}} Kathleen Tyson wants desperately to breast feed her baby, But the state of Oregon says it will take the baby from her if she does. The government threatened the action after Tyson tested positive for HIV, the virus the vast majority of medical researchers say causes AIDS. For now, at least, she gives the infant a cow’s milk formula. And until a few weeks ago, she reluctantly gave him a state ordered medically prescribed six-week course of the powerful AIDS drug AZT. She faces a court date in April to try to regain total freedom in how she cares for her son, including the right to breastfeed. Kathleen Tyson says, "There is evidence that there is something in breast milk that inhibits the binding of HIV A. Breast feed the baby secretly when no doctors are present. B. Go to court to gain total control of their son. C. Appeal to Governor Kitzhaber who is a doctor. D. Just agree to give the baby only cow’s or goat’s milk. [单项选择]有的人认为略码是提高速度的关键,是学习速录技术要掌握的()。
A. 这个想法是不对的 B. 这个想法很有道理 C. 专家也这么介绍 D. 外行才这么认为 [单项选择]One of the most important features that distinguishes reading from listening is the nature of the audience. (51) the writer often does not know who will read what he writes, he must attempt to be as clear as possible. Time can be taken to plan the piece of writing so that it is eventually organized into some sort of (52) sequence of events or ideas. When we speak, however, we normally have very little time to plan what we intend to say. (53) , we may begin speaking before we have decided what to say. Our thoughts then tumble out in anything but a logical sequence. Since we are actually (54) our audience face to face we may omit some of the information we believe our audience shares. (55) the more familiar we are with our audience, the more information we are likely to leave out. In any (56) they can always stop and ask a question or ask for clarification if we have left out too much. A reader, however, cannot do (57) but can
A. thoughts B. consideration C. concepts D. speculation [单选题]被监视居住的犯罪嫌疑人未经允许不得离开( )
A. 犯罪嫌疑人的住处或居所 B. 犯罪嫌疑人居住的市 C. 公安机关指定的地区 D. 犯罪嫌疑人居住的镇 [单选题]《高速铁路有砟轨道线路维修规则》第3.1.1条规定:超高最大值一般不得超过( )mm,在困难条件下仅运行客车的线路不得超过170mm。
A.120 B.125 C.150 D.155 [判断题]如果线路上有人工作,应在线路断路器(开关)和隔离开关(刀闸)操作把手上,悬挂“禁止合闸,线路有人工作!”的标示牌。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]当今世界上,( )、( )和( )被认为是东方、西方和阿拉伯三大饮食流派的代表。
A. 2.0; B. 1.5; C. 1.0; D. 0.5。 [判断题]单机测试前,检查设备处于完好状态,运转的设备运转部分周围没有妨碍物。设备启动时,严禁人员站在设备周围,设备运行正常后方可上前检查。——[判断题]
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]实施胸外按压时,低于八周岁的伤员按照胸部的( )深度。
A.1/5 B.1/4 C.1/3 D.1/2 [简答题]发生器搅拌的作用有哪些?
A. 自主导航与飞行控制 B. 飞行任务与载荷匹配 C. 航迹规划与自主导航 [单选题]充分体现“教育以育人为本,以学生为主体”“办学以人才为本,以教师为主体”的理念的文件是( )
A.1984年颁布的《中小学教师职业道德要求》(试行) B.1991年颁布的《中小学教师职业道德规范》 C.1997年颁布的《中小学教师职业道德规范》 D.2008年颁布的《中小学教师职业道德规范》 我来回答: 提交