Tom: So, tell me about your family. Have you got any brothers or sisters
Barbara: Yeah. I’ve got three sisters (56)
Tom: Three sisters. (57)
Barbara: Well, the oldest is twenty-three. The second oldest is twenty-one, and the youngest is nineteen.
Tom: And what do they do
Barbara: The oldest one has two children, and they keep her pretty busy. The second oldest, is in college like me. She (58) computer science. And the other one is still in high school.
Tom: And what about your dad (59)
Barbara: Oh, he’s a lawyer.
Tom: Oh, really And your mom (60) , too
Barbara: Yeah, she’s a journalist. She works for a travel magazine,
Going on computer may be the toughest
job a remodeling contractor ever does. In order to make a conversion within a
year, a company will need to make a major shakeup. This does not mean it will
take a year to start using the computer for one function such as estimating,
accounting, or word processing. The total conversion process will not be
accomplished in a short period with little effort. A contractor in Indiana
recently said he wished someone had warned him about how tough it was going to
be. With an annual volume of more than $ 500,000 and a good staff in place he
still had fear. For effective use of the computer in a remodeling business, a complete change in methods of doing business usually is required. All management staff must get involved. Changes may include pre-selecting and standardizing p A. several months B. about a year C. half a year D. several years [简答题]电费回收风险防控措施中的物电互抵是指什么?实施关键点是什么?
A.昼间为拢起的红色信号旗直立平举,再用展开的绿色信号旗左右小动 B.昼间为拢起的红色信号旗直立平举,再用展开的绿色信号旗左右摇动 C.夜间为绿色灯光下压数次后,再左右摇动 D.夜间为绿色灯光下压数次后,再左右小动 [多项选择]工程项目竣工决算由( )四部分组成。
A. 竣工结算书 B. 竣工财务决算报表 C. 竣工财务决算说明书 D. 竣工工程平面示意图 E. 工程造价比较分析 [单项选择]患者不宜使用胰岛素治疗的是().
A. 糖尿病合并脑血管意外 B. 糖尿病合并急性心肌梗死 C. 糖尿病合并重症感染 D. 肥胖糖尿病患者饮食控制和运动疗法不佳 E. 糖尿病需急症手术 [单项选择]下列各项中,属于客户非经常性收入的是( )。
A. 工资薪金 B. 每月奖金 C. 债券利息 D. 彩票中奖收入 [单选题]内存的大部分由RAM组成,其中存储的数据
A.A:不会 B.B:部分 C.C:完全 D.D:不一定 [多项选择]今年45岁在行政机关工作的李先生看中了某新开发的小区内一套100m2价格为3500元/m2的住宅,他原先已有一处房改房50m2,他准备以3000元/m2的价格卖出,作为新房的首付款,其余款按揭,分15年还清,在利率不变、按月等额本息还贷的情况下,请回答下列问题:
他可以采取的贷款方式为( )以及抵押贷款。 A. 按揭 B. 公积金贷款 C. 组合贷款 D. 担保贷款 [单项选择]我国率先突破“邮发合一”体制,自办发行的报纸是()。
A. 《太原日报》 B. 《洛阳日报》 C. 《武汉日报》 D. 《天津日报》 [判断题] 营业业务办理原则:一口对外、便捷高效、一证受理、网上办理
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]借款人以信用方式办理医院贷款时,应同时满足()。
A. 信用等级原则上在BBB级(含)以上 B. 项目贷款年度还款额低于前两年非限定性收入平均值的20% C. 前3年经常性收支结余之和大于零 D. 用信后资产负债率在65%(含)以下 [多项选择]总结的结构一般包括以下四个部分:()
A. 标题 B. 开头(引言) C. 时间 D. 主体 E. 落款 [单项选择] 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选取出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。