In so many ways, cyberspace (电脑空间) mirrors the real world. People ask for information, play games, and share hobby tips. Others buy and sell products. Still others look for friend ship, or even love.
Unlike the real world, however, your knowledge about a person is limited to words on a computer screen. Identity and appearance mean very little in cyberspace. Rather, a person’s thoughts -- or at least the thoughts they type -- are what really counts. So, even the shyest per son can become a chat-room star.
But some Internet users want more than just someone to chat with. They’re looking for serious love relationships.
Supporters of online relationships claim that the Internet allows couples to get to know each other intellectually first. Personal appearance doesn’t get in the way.
But critics of online relationships argue that no one can truly know another person in cyber space. Why Because Internet users can carefully craft their w
A. Because people ask for information in cyberspace.
B. Because people buy and sell products in cyberspace.
C. Because people look for love in cyberspace.
D. Because people can do lots of daily things in cyberspace.
In their world of darkness, it would
seem likely that some of the animals might have become blind, as has happened to
some cave fauna. So, indeed, many of them have, compensating for the lack of
eyes with marvelously developed feelers and long, slender fins and processes
with which they grope their way, like so many blind men with canes, their whole
knowledge of friends, enemies, or food coming to them through the sense of
touch. The last traces of plant life are left behind in the thin upper layer of water for no plant can live below about 600 feet even in very clear water, and few find enough sunlight for their food-manufacturing activities below 200 feet. Since no animal can make its own food, the creatures of the deeper waters live a strange, almost parasitic existence of utter dependence on the upper layers. These hungry carnivores prey fiercely and A. Undersea research is still incomplete. B. Technology used in undersea studies is still in a very primitive stage of development. C. More undersea research is conducted near shore than in mid-ocean. D. Military researchers have made several momentous discoveries about undersea life. [单项选择]初产妇,孕39周,破水2小时入院,查宫口开大4cm,于阴道内可触及胎足及波动的脐带,宫缩规律,胎心率140~150次/分.此时最佳的处理方案为().
A. 静脉给予缩宫素,待宫口开全行臀牵引 B. 行脐带还纳术 C. 实行外倒转术 D. 立即行剖宫术 E. 以上都不对 [单选题](2014年)接种活疫苗时,可用作皮肤消毒的是
A.75%乙醇 B.90%乙醇 C.0.5%碘伏 D.2%碘酊 E.生理盐水 [单选题]休克时病人的体位应处于( )
A. 半卧位 B. 头低足高位 C. 头与躯干抬高20゜~30゜,下肢抬高15゜~20゜ D. 头高足低位 E. 侧卧位 [多项选择]抗甲状腺功能亢进症的药物包括()
A. 硫脲类 B. 磺脲类 C. 咪唑类 D. 硝基呋喃类 E. 三唑类 [多项选择]太平天国定都天京后颁布的主要文件有( )
A. 《原道觉世训》 B. 《原道醒世训》 C. 《天朝田亩制度》 D. 《资政新篇》 [简答题]什么叫后备保护?
[单选题] 为了配合当地举办一项盛会,某施工现场暂停施工,按照相关规定,施工单位应当做好现场防护。则其所需费用由( )承担,合同另有约定除外。
A.当地政府部门 B.建设单位 C.盛会举办方 D.施工单位 [多选题]新建装置EDC精馏单元头塔水煮时,应注意( )。
A.加蒸汽时,量要小 B.塔顶部人孔必须打开 C.排水时,要注意防止人员汤伤 D.加水时,严格控制水的高度 [判断题]安全管理员(保安)接到消防控制室值班员报警后3分钟内持灭火器到达现场。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在FIDIC施工合同条件中,承包商按照他认为最合理的方法进行施工组织,工程师( )。
A. 可以干预 B. 不应干预 C. 可以不批准 D. 不应该批准 [判断题]地基是房屋建筑的基本组成部分。( )
A. 支票 B. 现金支票 C. 转账支票 D. 结算单 [单选题]机场管理机构应当在一类民航安保事件应急处置完毕后,填报《民用航空安全保卫事件信息表》,并报送( )。
A.民航局公安局 B.民航地区管理局公安局 C.地方公安局 D.以上都可以 [单选题]下列有关老年人呼吸系统解剖生理学变化特点的描述错误的是()
A.A. 老年人的气道反应性降低 B.B. 老年人胸廓最显著的变化呈“筒状” C.C. 老年人容易发生吸气性呼吸困难 D.D. 70-74岁年龄段时PaO2下降最为显著 [名词解释]静态工作点分析
A. 细菌内毒素 B. 无菌 C. 水分 D. 吸收度 E. Clˉ [判断题]( )120 km/h<υmax≤160 km/h 正线混凝土枕地段,水平在临时补修时静态容许偏差管理值为12mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]人们评定田径运动技术的标准是实效性和经济性。
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