By now you know that {{U}} (62)
{{/U}} your money’s worth is not just a matter of luck. It is more often
the{{U}} (63) {{/U}} of buying skill. {{U}} (64) {{/U}}, even the
smartest consumers are sometimes tooled into thinking they are getting their
money’s worth {{U}} (65) {{/U}} they are not. At one time or another,
almost everyone experiences deception in the marketplace. The deception may not
be {{U}} (66) {{/U}} But, intentional or not, any kind of deception
{{U}} (67) {{/U}} consumer’s pocket books. Some kinds endanger their
health and safety as well. {{U}} A. basic B. apparent C. least D. most [单选题]违规进入高铁防护栅栏及作业门属于( )安全红线。
A.Ⅰ类 B.Ⅱ类 C.Ⅲ类 D.A类 [单项选择]矽肺的基本病理变化是
A. 肺门淋巴结肿大和肺间质纤维化 B. 矽结节形成和肺间质广泛纤维化 C. 矽结节形成和肺气肿 D. 矽结节形成肺门淋巴结肿大 E. 胸膜增厚和肺组织大块纤维化 [判断题]( ) 连续溜放或中途分解作业时,在车组分线的道岔前,车组的前后距离应不小于20m,距离不够不得扳道
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]《南昌局集团公司普速旅客列车车门管理规定》(南铁客[2020]239号)规定列车要针对普速列车编组及停靠车站站台条件,对车门翻板与站台面落差大于()厘米的,研究卡控措施,配备加长安全踏板。
A.10厘米 B.20厘米 C.30厘米 D.40厘米 [填空题]The present system of the ______ derives mainly from one developed in the 1920s by the British phonetician, Daniel Jones (1881-1967), and his colleagues at University of London.
[单项选择]根据ISO/IEC 9126软件质量度量模型定义,一个软件的时间和资源质量子特性属于()质量特性。
A. 功能性 B. 效率 C. 可靠性 D. 易使用性 [多选题] 桥梁先张法预应力筋的放张应符合下列规定。
A.预应力筋放张时构件混凝土的强度和弹性模量(或龄期)应符合设计规定 B.预应力筋放张前,应将限制位移的侧模翼缘模板或内模拆除 C.预应力筋的放张顺序必须符合设计规定 D.多根整批预应力筋采用千斤顶放张时,放张应一次完成 [判断题]取时间比例样,多选用加重取样器。
[单项选择]Which part of the text helps if you are angry about the Building Service
A. HELP US TO HELP YOU B. YOUR BUILDING SERVICE C. WHAT YOU CAN DO IF THINGS GO WRONG [填空题]某计算机主频为8MHz,每个机器周期平均2个时钟周期,每条指令平均有2.5个机器周期,则该机器的平均指令执行速度为 ______MIPS。