In 1999 when MiShel and Carl Meissner
decided to have children, they tackled the next big issue: Should they try to
have a girl It was no small matter. MiShel’s brother had become blind from a
hereditary condition in his early 20s, and the Meissners had learned that the
condition is a disorder passed from mothers to sons. If they had a boy, he
would have a 50 per cent chance of having the condition. A girl would be
unaffected. The British couple’s inquiries about sex selection led them to
Virginia, US, where a new sperm-separation technique, called MicroSort, was
experimental at the time. When MiShel became pregnant she gave birth to a
daughter. Now they will try to have a second daughter using the same
technique. The technique separates sperm into two groups—those that carry the X-chromosome (染色体) producing a female baby and t A. The expansion of the new technology may not bring profits to the companies. B. Most people who use the technology will not have a baby as they want. C. The effect of the new technology still needs to be carefully examined. D. Increasing use of the technology may disturb the sex balance in the population. [单选题]“网络空间主权”是我国( )首次提出的概念。
A.《国家安全法》 B. 《网络安全法》 C.《宪法》 D.《刑法》 [多项选择]文学批评写作中的复述的基本要求包括()
A. 体认文眼诗魂 B. 只讲述故事梗概 C. 综合段落大意 D. 传达原作神 E. 抓住全文线索 [简答题]†年4月20日,T268次(昆明-株洲,新空)列车株洲站到站前,列车工作人员发现王某持本人本年3月1日至至3月31日怀化至株洲硬席往返乘车证一张,张某持本人2019年度定期通勤乘车证(记载区间娄底到株洲)一张,请处理。
[单选题]大型养路机械禁止通过坡度超过( )的线路。
A.33‰ B.6‰ C.12‰ D.20‰ [单项选择]下列哪一项属于胃十二指肠黏膜防卫因子
A. 胃酸/胃蛋白酶 B. 前列腺素 C. 胆盐 D. 胰酶 E. 药物(NSAIDs) [单项选择]下列哪项表明术中不存在知晓( )
A. 经过术后心理调查病人不存在内隐记忆 B. 手术刺激下病人不会发生体动 C. 病人术后否认对术中事件有记忆 D. 病人术中对指令无反应 E. 以上均不正确 [单选题]DJ采用JZXC-H18型继电器时交流电压为( )。
A.1.8-3.0V B.3.2-5V C.1.5-2.2V D.3.0-5V [判断题]线路设备大修项目原则上应按周期安排,并可根据设备状态评价结果合理调整。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]肺癌早期诊断最有价值的检查是CT检查。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在道路上发生未造成人员伤亡且无争议的轻微交通事故如何处置?
A. 保护好现场再协商 B. 不要移动车辆 C. 疏导其他车辆绕行 D. 撤离现场自行协商 [多选题] 品类需求预测的步骤包括( )。
A.形成各品类需求预测基数 B.采用因果分析法,调整各品类占比 C.多维度进行品类交叉预测 D.选定单一维度进行品类预测 [单选题]下列不属于红焖菜使用的调味料是( )
A.酱油 B.料酒 C.干椒 D.鲜汤 我来回答: 提交