Within a month of moving to London from
Los Angeles in September 2002, Jacob Sager Weinstein started sending long
e-mails to family and friends under the name "Jacob’s London Diary ’. "I had a few goals," Weinstein said recently. "Keeping in touch with family and friends was a major one. But I also wanted to preserve the memories of our experiences in this new country and maintain my writing muscles." Then out of nowhere, Weinstein said, he began getting requests to be added to the distribution list from people he did not know--usually because someone had forwarded one of his entries. The requests made him start thinking about broadening his audience. So in February 2004 he created his own blog at {{U}}www. yankeefog. com.{{/U}} "I usually describe it as the adventures of a comedy writer in London," he said. Weins A. It feeds the ego for many people. B. It is to publish online about interesting topics. C. It is written in a more conversational tone than other Web sites. D. The Web pages with postings can be read by anyone using the Internet. [多项选择]货运合同的特征有( )。
A. 它的标的是特定的工作成果即设备 B. 它的工作成果要具有相应的物质形态 C. 它是诺成合同 D. 它的标的是运送货物的行为 E. 货运合同具有标准合同的性质 [判断题]电力生产系统的特点决定了电力职工要以高度自觉又不盲从的态度执行命令和听从指挥。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]Russia is the largest economic power that is not a member of the World Trade Organization. But that may change. Last Friday, the European Union said it would support Russia’s (36) to become a WTO member.
Representatives of the European Union met with Russian (37) in Moscow. They signed a trade agreement that took six years to (38) Russia called the trade agreement (39) . It agreed to slowly increase fuel prices within the country. It also agreed to permit (40) in its communications industry and to remove some barriers to trade. In (41) for European support to join the WTO, Russian President Putin said that Russia would speed up the (42) to approve the Kyoto Protocol, an international (43) agreement to reduce the production of harmful industrial gases. (44) . Russia had signed the Kyoto Protocol, but has not yet approved it. The agreement takes effect when it has b [多项选择]在FIDIC合同条件中,可索赔工期和费用,但不可以索赔利润的索赔事件包括( )。
A. 业主延误移交施工现场 B. 业主提前占用工程 C. 工程师延误发放图纸 D. 施工中遇到文物 E. 不可预见的外界条件 [单项选择]根据《南方电网公司电费回收风险管理业务指导书》,形成电费呆坏账的风险,不包括()。
A. 企业破产清算,不足以清偿欠费 B. 客户故意逃避电费债务 C. 外界干预电费回收 D. 电费债务诉讼时效已届满 [填空题]骨迷路从前向后分为()、()和骨半规管。
A.系统完备 B.科学规范 C.真实可靠 D.运行有效 [单项选择]
A. many B. much C. lot [单项选择]生殖权利的两个独立要素是指()
A. 法律权利和社会权利 B. 自然权利和法律权利 C. 行为权利和法律权利 D. 自然权利和社会权利 E. 自然权利和行为权利 [单项选择]医务人员发现甲型H1N1流感病人或者疑似甲型H1N1流感病人,必须立即向()报告。
A. 疾病预防控制机构 B. 卫生行政部门 C. 医疗机构 D. 公安部门 [简答题]我国现行的公安管理体制是什么?、
A. 关节内骨折 B. 关节外骨折 C. 血管损伤 D. 压迫神经 E. 创伤性关节炎 [单项选择]项目策划和项目控制共同组成项目管理的工作内容。其中,项目实施策划主要是对项目目标、组织、环境和实施过程的安排,是一种( )工作,对项目控制工作具有指导作用。
A. 可行性 B. 指导性 C. 可操作性 D. 计划性 [判断题]在任何水平面内最靠近跑道中心线的DDM为0的点的轨迹就是下滑道线。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]1.36. 第36题
针对供电方案的确定,现场勘查时,不需结合现场供电条件,可直接根据工作经验确定供电电源、计量、计 费方案。 A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《晋能控股集团有限公司员工奖惩办法(试行)》规定,奖惩1万元及以上或晋升晋级、免职降职等重大奖惩事项须报请集团公司奖惩委员会批准。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]根据国际贸易实践,论述订立国际货物买卖合同的品质条款应注意的事项。
A.足细胞 B.球内系膜细胞 C.弓形集合小管 D.远端小管直部 E.致密斑 [填空题]《重大外来林业有害生物灾害应急预案》中明确,专家组以局林业有害生物防治()为基础,根据有害生物发生的不同种类,适时补充其他有关专家和科技人员。
[单选题]( )负责安全生产监督管理的部门依照《中华人民共和国安全生产法》的规定,对全国建设工程安全生产工作实施综合监督管理。
A.国务院 B.国务院建设行政主管部门 C.国家安全监督管理部门 D.各省建设行政管理部门 [多选题]从管理任务的具体作用方式看,下列属于第二层面的管理任务的是( )。
A.范围管理 B.沟通管理 C.风险管理 D.整合管理 E.时间管理 [单选题]不能触及( ),提示收缩压70mmHg
A.颈动脉 B.桡动脉 C.股动脉 D.肱动脉 E.足背动脉 [单项选择]柜面收到假币应在假币上加盖“假币”戳记,装入“假币收缴专用封装袋”后也应加盖“假币”戳记,没收假币后,要向假币持有人出具《假币收缴凭证》,其上加盖()。
A. 假币章 B. 核算用章 C. 核算事项证明章 D. 业务公章 [单选题]工作监护人:由( )或能独立工作、熟悉设备和有一定工作经验的人员担任。
A.技术员 B.工长 C.配电值班员 D.值班电力工 [多项选择]煤气检修应制定方案()。
A. 检修工作方案 B. 停气和吹扫方案 C. 送气置换方案 我来回答: 提交