Abortion The word alone causes civil
conversation to flee the room. This is largely because the pro-choice and
pro-life positions are being defined by their extremes, by those who scream
accusations instead of arguments. More reasonable voices and concerns, on both sides of the fence, are given little attention. For example, pro-life extremists seem unwilling to draw distinctions between some abortions and others, such as those resulting from rape with an underage child. They would make no exception in the recent real-life case of a woman who discovered in her fifth month that her baby would be born dead due to severe disabilities. On the other hand, pro-choice extremists within feminism insist on holding inconsistent positions. The pregnant woman has an unquestionable right to abort, they claim. Yet if the biological f A. a pregnant woman cannot abort her baby if its father agrees to keep it B. a pregnant woman has an absolute right of choice over an abortion C. the baby’s father also has a say over its mother’s choice of abortion D. the baby’s father has an unalienable obligation to support the baby [单选题]对计量认证考核合格的机构应由省级以上人民政府计量行政部门审查批准,颁发() ,并同意其使用统一的计量认证标志。
A.甲级资质等级证书 B.资质认定合格证书 C.评审合格通告书 D.产品合格书 [单项选择]以皮肤病变为特点的淋巴瘤是
A. 小淋巴细胞性淋巴瘤 B. Burkitt淋巴瘤 C. 免疫母细胞淋巴瘤 D. 蕈样霉菌病 E. 滤泡性淋巴瘤 [单项选择]信用保险是信用风险的一种形式,保险人期望控制风险,往往只能通过被保险人来实现,因此信用风险强调()。
A. 损失免赔 B. 损失减半 C. 损失预估 D. 损失共担 [单选题]有机质土中,位于塑性图A线以上,且在B线或B线以右的土称为()。
A.有机质高液限粉土 B.有机质低液限粉土 C.有机质高液限黏土 D.有机质低液限黏土 [单项选择]蒸馏工序主蒸馏塔设有一()以控制液位。
A. 高液位开关 B. 高液位报警 C. 低液位开关 D. 低液位报警 [判断题]消防员参加灭火战斗时,应根据火场危害程度,严格按照防护等级要求采取防护措施。通常情况下,必须着消防员灭火防护服、靴,佩戴消防头盔、灭火防护头套、消防手套、消防腰带、应急逃生自救安全绳、呼救器、方位灯、照明灯等基本防护装备,携带空(氧)气呼吸器,根据要求佩戴通信设备并保持通信畅通。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )PBE不得接触油、油脂或含汽油的润滑剂,否则可能引发火警。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]0.02%呋喃西林溶液用于口腔护理的作用是()
A.遇有机物放出氧分子杀菌 B.改变细菌生长的酸碱环境 C.使蛋白质凝固变性 D.防腐生新、促进愈合 E.清洁口腔,广谱抗菌 [判断题]中性点不接地系统单相金属性接地时,线电压仍然对称。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据《广东省高速公路收费站文明服务评价指标测评办法(试行)》,收费车道使用中收费服务时间标准,封闭式收费在当( )长30%以上时,入口以8S为标准。
A.小客车 B.大客车 C.微型面包车 D.大型车 [单项选择]肺泡通气量是指
A. 每次吸入或呼出的气体量 B. 每分钟进或出肺的气量 C. 每分钟进入肺泡的新鲜气体量 D. 用力吸入的气量 E. 无效腔中的气量 我来回答: 提交