Questions 147-149 refer to the
following magazine article. Is dentistry the career for you Today’s dentists have many more opportunities than they used to. In the past, a dentist’s life was predictable. Most were men who would leave home for a few years to study at a dental school, then return to their hometown, open up an office, and work there their whole life. Most dentists looked forward to this or something similar. Today, dentists are more mobile. Men and women can {{U}} (147) {{/U}} dental school in different places. Some still return to their hometown to work. Others move on to new cities. Dentists today may specialize in one or more areas. Two common ones are oral surgery and dental public health. Oral surgery focuses {{U}} (148) {{/U}} treating diseases and problems through operations. Dental public health concentr A. (A) in B. (B) at C. (C) on D. (D) to [单选题]在中共十六大政治报告中总结十三届四中全会13年以来的基本经验,第一条就是( )。
A.坚持以邓小平理论为指导,不断推进理论创新 B.坚持改革开放,把社会主义现代化事业推向前进 C.坚持马克思主义,加强新形势下党的建设 D.坚持精神文明和物质文明两手抓 [填空题]Take something for a while and then return it.
[单选题]所有工作人员(包括工作负责人)( )在高压室内和室外高压设备区内。
A.A-不许单独进入、滞留 B.B-可以单独进入 C.C-可以单独滞留 D.D-可以单独进入、不许单独滞留 E.略 F.略 G.略 [判断题]焦炭中硫分含量增高,是由炼焦生产和加热制度不当而引起的。
[单选题]变压器温度计所反映的温度是变压器的( )。
A.上部温度 B.中部温度 C.下部温度 D.匝间温度 [单项选择]股票价格鉴证通常与股票( )关系最密切。
A. 票面价格 B. 发行价格 C. 账面价格 D. 清算价格 [名词解释]《学会生存---教育世界的今天和明天》
[单选题] 等差数列{an}的前3项和为15,且a1=2,则a2=( )
A.4 B.5 C.6 D.8 [填空题]旋转变压器的定子铁心和转子铁心,采用( )或( )材料冲制、绝缘、叠装而成。
A.层面 B.页理面 C.节理面 D.破裂面 E.不整合面 [多项选择]经批准的项目用地界址桩的设置原则是( )。
A. 界址之间的距离,直线最长为150m B. 曲折线的主要转折点埋桩 C. 如果项目用地范围行政隶属不同,应在用地界线与行政界线交点上加设界址桩 D. 基本农田界线与用地界线的交点不必加设界址桩 E. 国有土地与集体土地的分界线与用地界线的交点应加设界址桩 [多选题]车站公共区火灾会联动以下( )设备。
A.A.BAS系统相关的火灾模式 B.B.400V开关柜 C.C.垂直电梯 D.D.应急照明与疏散指示 [单选题]体温在39C以上,但波动幅度大,24小时温差在1℃以上,最低体温仍高于正常水平,常见于败血症。败血症的热型是( )
A.张弛热 B.稽留热 C.不规则热 D.间歇热 E.回归热 我来回答: 提交