The Super Bowl is one of the biggest
events on the advertising calendar, as companies vie to produce the most
memorable and innovative ads. The battle for the National Football League’s
ultimate prize attracts more viewers than anything else on American television
and provides a "symbolic pulsetaking" for the advertising industry every
February, says John Frelinghuysen, an analyst at Bain and Company, a
consultancy. But this year the patient is in poor health. All the advertising
slots(广告摊位) for the 2008 Super Bowl had been sold by the end of November 2007,
despite the $ 2.6 million price of each. For 2009 the price has risen to $ 3
million, but at least, ten slots (out of 67) are still looking for a
buyer. General Motors, which ran 11 ads on Super Bowl Sunday in February 2008, has already said that it will not run a A. Ford and Chrysler will run the advertising slots in 2009 B. 2009’s Super Bowl will still be an expensive ads parade C. America’s ad spending this year will decline by 5% or more D. Carmakers’ fate determines to certain extent the ad spending in America [判断题]钢轨的类型以每米大致千克数表示。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]对供应商的选择方法有______。
A. 层次分析法 B. 采购成本比较法 C. 售后服务比较法 D. 招标法 [单选题]科学发展观的提出,标志着我们党( )。
A.对改革开放和现代化建设规律的认识进一步深化 B.完全掌握了社会主义建设的发展规律 C.改变了新中国成立以来传统的发展模式和发展战略 D.第一次找到建设社会主义的道路 [单项选择]20岁男性学生,课外活动打篮球时跌倒,左肘关节伸直旋后位掌面触地。伤后左肘关节疼痛、肿胀、活动功能障碍。如果肘后三点关系发生改变,肘关节处于45°左右的半屈位,关节前后经增宽,最可能的临床诊断是()。
A. 肘关节后脱位 B. 肱骨髁上骨折 C. 桡骨头骨折 D. 尺骨鹰嘴骨折 E. 肘关节挫伤 [单项选择]申请人应当自收到筹建通知之日起()内完成电话销售中心的筹建工作,筹建期间不计算在行政许可的期限内。
A. 1个月 B. 3个月 C. 6个月 D. 12个月 [判断题]强制送风呼吸器的工作原理是通过送风机使被污染的空气经滤毒装置过滤成可供正常呼吸的洁净气体,由呼吸管进入面罩供使用者呼吸,呼出的气体通过排气阀排到大气中。( )2
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据招投标法规定,( )等都应当公开。
A. 开标的程序 B. 评标的标准 C. 评标的程序 D. 中标的过程 E. 中标的结果 [单选题]带电或启动条件具备后,应由指挥人员按( )指挥实施,启动过程的操作应按照相关 规定执行
A.一般施工方案 B.特殊施工方案 C.专项施工方案 D.启动方案 [单选题]桔梗的作用是.
A.润肺止咳,下气化痰 B.宣肺利咽,清肺化痰 C.宣肺利咽,祛痰排脓 D.降气止咳,祛痰排脓 E.降气止呕,祛痰排脓 [判断题]( )PLC电源模块指示灯报错可能是接线问题或负载问题。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]设变量x和y均已正确定义并赋值。下列if语句中,在编译时将产生错误信息的是
A. ifx++); B. it(x>y&&y!=0); C. if(x>0)x-- D. if(y<0); [判断题] 两圆柱齿轮啮合的接触斑点在齿顶部位,说明两齿轮中心距太小( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]精益思想的5项原则有价值、()、流动、拉动、尽善尽美。
A. 职工平均工资水平 B. 城镇或农村居民人均可支配收入 C. 城镇或农村居民人均可支配消费支出 D. 同行业收入水平 [单项选择]
Most shoplifters (商店扒手) agree that the January sales offer wonderful opportunities for the hard-working thief. With the shop so crowded and the staff (全体职员) so busy, it does not require any special talent to help yourself to one or two things and escape, unnoticed. It is known, in the business, as "hoisting". 我来回答: 提交