The fear of Americanization of the
planet is more ideological paranoia (多疑) than reality. There is no doubt that,
with globalization, English has become the general language of our time, as was
Latin in the Middle Ages. And it will continue its ascent, since it is an
indispensable instrument for international transactions and communication. But
does this mean that English necessarily develops at the expense of the other
great languages Absolutely not. In fact, the opposite is true. The vanishing of
borders and an increasingly inter-dependent world have created incentives for
new generations to learn and assimilate other cultures, not merely as a hobby,
but also out of necessity, because the ability to speak several languages and
navigate comfortably in different cultures has become crucial for professional
success. Consider the ca A. assimilate them into other cultures B. insulate them from other cultures C. let them compete with other cultures D. let them suffocate other cultures [判断题]在狭小空间长时间作业,无法使用个人携带式空气呼吸器时,应使用强式送风器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]OptiX机柜顶有三个指示灯:绿灯,黄灯,红灯。机柜的-48V电源接通后,绿灯亮。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述培养兴趣的几种途径。
[单选题]只造成2人死亡,未造成其他影响和损失的铁路交通事故,列为( )事故。
A.一般A类 B.一般B类 C.一般C类 D.一般D类 [单选题]整体立、撤杆塔过程中,杆塔起立( )后,应减缓速度,注意各侧拉线。
A.50° B.60° C.70° D.80° [单选题]所有断路器,隔离开关均断开,在有可能来电端挂好地线,说明设备处于()状态。
A.运行; B.检修 ; C.备用 [简答题]LAE40120线路停、送电有何规定?
A. 吻合口不全梗阻 B. 倾倒综合征 C. 胃潴留 D. 碱性反流性胃炎 E. 吻合口溃疡 [判断题]正常情况下,车控室内工作人员不能超过2人,板凳数量不能大于2张。车控室内人 员禁止大声喧哗、吵闹,应做到文明办公
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交