Uganda Uganda is in the central part of Africa, near the equator. It became independent in 1962. Until then it had been a British protectorate. The area of Uganda is 93,981 square miles. About ten million people live there. Uganda is a land of mountains, lakes and plains. Mount Ruwenzori is in a mountain range with peaks above 16,700 feet. The chief rivers are the Victoria Nile and Albert Nile, branches of the great Nile River. Almost all the people of Uganda are African black people of various tribes. The Bugandas are most powerful and their language is semi-official, but there are more Bantus— the people who live in the north from another group. Nearly everyone understands the Swahili language. Most of the people are farmers. There are some wandering tribes [单项选择]不依据现成的描述在头脑中独立地创造出新形象的过程称()
A. 无意想象 B. 有意想象 C. 再造想象 D. 创造想象 [单项选择]以下不属于PTN分组化传送技术的是()。
A. 基于以太网技术的PBB-TE B. 基于以太网技术的PBB-LTE C. 基于MPLS技术的T-MPLS D. 基于MPLS技术的MPLS-TP [单选题]引起Ⅰ型超敏反应的抗体是
A.IgM B.IgD C.IgE D.IgG E.IgA [单选题]在站内线路或道岔上施工使用移动停车信号防护,当施工线路两端道岔只能通往施工地点的位置时,在施工地点两端各()处线路上,设置移动停车信号牌(灯)防护。
A.20m B.30m C.40m D.50m [单选题]4.Ⅲ度烧伤,烧伤深度达
A.表皮层 B.表皮与真皮交界处 C.真皮浅层 D.真皮深层 E.皮肤全层及皮下组织 [单选题]接地电阻测试仪又称( )。
A.A.绝缘表 B.B.电阻表 C.C.接地摇表 D.D.兆欧表 [判断题]所谓盘左位置即竖直度盘在望远镜的左侧(又称正镜);盘右位置即竖直度盘在望远镜的右侧(又称倒镜)。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]根据《中国南方电网有限责任公司安全工作奖惩规定》,发生以下情形,应进行问责。
A.发生有责任事故事件的 B.重大风险管控和隐患排查整治不力的 C.安全生产巡查检查督查发现问题需进行问责的 D.在安全管理工作中履职尽责到位的 [单项选择]复层鳞状上皮中层细胞的核质比为()
A. 1:(0.5~1) B. 1:(1~2) C. 1:(2~3) D. 1:(3~4) E. 1:(4~5) [单项选择]