in Museums{{/B}} Museums have changed. They are no longer places that one "should" visit, they are places to enjoy and learn. At a science museum in Ontario, Canada, you can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body. At the Metropolitan (成都市的) Museum of Art in New York City, you can look at the seventeenth century instruments while listening to their music. At New York’s American Museum of Natural History recently, you can help make a bone-by-bone reproduction of the museum’s dinosaur(恐龙), a beast that lived 200 million years age. More and more museum directors are realizing that people learn best when they can somehow become part of what they are seeing. In many science museums, for example, there are no g [多选题]下列设备(情况)产生的辐射属于非电离辐射的有()
A.电风扇 B.日本核泄漏 C.原子弹 D.电磁炉 [单项选择]For all the remaining items the stated dates of delivery are approximate, but ______ would these dates be exceeded by more than ten days.
A. in no case B. in any case C. under any circumstances D. by all means [多项选择]预算定额的作用是( )。
A. 编制施工定额的基础 B. 编制概算定额的基础 C. 编制施工图预算的依据 D. 进行工程竣工估算的依据 [单选题](41217)同一相中两只相同特性的电流互感器二次绕组串联或并联,作为相间保护使用,计算其二次负载
时,应将实测二次负载折合到相负载后再乘以系数为()。(2.0分) A.串联乘1,并联乘2; B.串联乘1/2,并联乘1; C.串联乘1/2,并联乘2; D.串联乘1/2,并联乘1/2。 [填空题]挖掘机在平地上作业,应用 ( ) 将轮胎刹住。
[单项选择]下列哪项是缺铁性贫血表现( )。
A. 牙龈出血 B. 发热伴大量出汗 C. 骨骼疏松 D. 毛发无光泽及“反甲” E. 皮肤紫癜 [单选题]腈纶纯水站阳床出水Na+指标为( )。
A.≤200μg/L B.≤250μg/L C.≤300μg/L D.≤350μg/L [简答题]简述苏联第一、第二个五年计划的时间、领导者及重点和作用。
[单选题]1465.29.动态检车员未按规定的检查范围和质量标准对( )进行检查,造成铁路货车故障未被及时发现,动态检车员应该承担漏检责任。
A.图片 B.图像 C.列车 D.车辆 [单选题]在锅炉汽包、凝汽器、油箱、油槽以及其他金属容器内进行焊接工作时:行灯用的()及电焊()不应带入锅炉及金属容器内。
A.变压器;焊线 B.变压器;变压器 C.变压器;焊把 [多选题]()责新建国调直调站的视频监控系统安装调试。
A.基建部 B.省公司 C.信通公司 D.特高压部 [单选题]电缆井、电缆隧道内作业过程中应用气体检测仪检查井内或隧道内的( )是否超标,并做好记录。
A.易燃易爆及有毒气体的含量 B.易燃易爆气体的含量 C.有毒气体的含量 D.一氧化碳含量 [单选题]对于地铁列车日检/双日检作业,不在周维修计划中体现,DCC根据次日用车情况,以什么的形式下发班组执行。
A.《作业申请单》 B.《DCC工作命令单》 C.口头命令 D.具备录音功能的电话传达 我来回答: 提交