{{B}}Happiness and Sadness{{/B}} Happiness and sadness are two most basic and familiar feeling for human beings. Recently, people have achieved further understanding about them. {{B}}Happiness{{/B}} University of Illinois, psychologist Ed Diener, who has studied happiness for a quarter century, was in Scotland recently, explaining to members of Parliament and business leaders the value of increasing traditional measures of a country’s wealth with a national index of happiness. Such an index would measure policies known to increase people’s sense of well-being, such as democratic freedoms, access to health care and the rule of law. Eric Wilson tried to get with the program. Urged on by friends, he bought books on how to become happier. He made every effort to smooth out A. Because they have spent all their time pursuing the happiness. B. Because they don’t allow their work to affect their feeling of happiness. C. Because they are too satisfied with happiness they have owned. D. Because they do not like people to tell them to be happier. [单选题]( )主要用于测量各种接地装置的接地电阻值。
A. 万用表 B. 兆欧表 C. 钳形表 D. 接地电阻测试仪 [单项选择]不属于间动电流特点的是()
A. 有阴、阳极之分 B. 载波频率低、作用浅 C. 每组电流参数固定,只需调电流强度 D. 有电解作用,需用衬垫 E. 正弦电流 [多选题]各稽核参与方应按职责及时对( )等数据进行分析、稽核与处理工作。
A.特情数据 B.追缴/重点关注名单车流的通行数据 C.超限货柜车辆数据 D.绿色通道车辆数据 [单项选择]女性,9岁,小学生,一周前出现乏力,咽痛头痛,咳嗽,咳少量黏痰,体温38.6℃,实验室检查8×10/L,中性粒细胞80%,X线检查显示:双肺下野不规则浸润阴影。首选药物是()
A. 替拉考宁 B. 氨苄西林 C. 万古霉素 D. 大环内酯类抗生素 E. 阿莫西林 [单选题]右上肺中心型肺癌的典型X线表现
A.两上肺锁骨下区的片状阴影 B.左心缘影呈直线状斜向外下方 C.肺门肿块和右肺上叶不张连在一起形成横“S”状的下缘 D.右上肺内有多发的薄壁空洞 E.右上肺内有多发的肿块影 [单项选择]根据《劳动法》的规定,每月延长工作时间累计不超过( )h。
A. 45 B. 36 C. 35 D. 30 [多选题]2.146. 第146题
电力系统短路故障时,电流互感器发生饱和,其二次电流波形特征是() A.波形失真,伴随谐波出现 B.过零点提前,波形缺损 C.一次电流越大时,过零点提前越多 D.二次电流的饱和点可在该半周期内任何时刻出现,随一次电流大小而变 [单选题]截止阀适用于( )管路中。
A.含有机械杂质的介质 B.蒸汽介质 C.易结焦介质 D.易沉淀介质 [单选题]用户变、配电站的工作许可人应是持有效证书的高压电气工作人员。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [填空题]瞬间风速指( )秒钟的风速平均值。
A.很少伴有白色念珠菌感染 B.属于均质型白斑 C.一般不伴有溃疡 D.甲苯胺蓝染色阴性 E.属于非均质型白斑 [单选题]警冲标应设在会合线路两线间距为( )的中间。
A.1m B.2m C.3m D.4m [单选题]下泵与风机运行中现场着重检查的是( )。
A.振动和温度 B.电流 C.外观 D.漏点 [单项选择]()是指由发包人与承包人之间签订的包括工程建设全过程的合同。
A. 工程总承包合同 B. 工程分包合同 C. 转包合同 D. 劳务分包合同 [判断题]在高海拔地区进行高处作业时,作业人员应随身携带小型氧气瓶或袋,高处作业时间不应超过2h。()
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]开槽施工管道试验前,附属设备安装的规定是什么?
[多选题]操作人员在窖池边沿行走或操作时,应看准踩实和小心谨慎,无关人员不得窖池边沿行走,以防( )导致伤害。
A.划伤 B.踩空 C.踩滑坠入窖池 D.阻挡行车运行 [多项选择]建筑结构用混凝土喷射用速凝剂的必试检验项目有( )。
A. 钢筋锈蚀 B. 28d抗压强度比 C. 凝结时间 D. 凝结时间差 E. 坍落度保留值 [单项选择]排列顺序为( )。
A. a、b、c、d B. a、d、b、c C. a、c、b、d D. a、c、d、b [简答题] Classic Intention Movement
In social situations, the classic Intention Movement is
"the chair-grasp". Host and guest have been talking for some time, but
now the host has an appointment to keep and can get away. His (1) ________
urge to go is held in check by his desire not be rude to his guest. If (2) ________
he did not care of his guest’’s feelings he would simply get up out of (3) ________
his chair and to announce his departure. This is what his body wants (4) ________
to do, therefore his politeness glues his body to the chair and refuses (5) ________
to let him raise. It is at this point that he performs the chair-grasp (6) ________
Intention Movement. He continues to talk to the guest and listen to
him, but leans forward and grasps the arms of the chair as about to (7) ________
push himself upwards. This is the first act he would make if he were (8) ________
rising. If he were
A. spent B. cost C. took D. used [判断题]在中性点直接接地的低压电力网中采用接零时,将零线上一点或多点再次与地做金属性接地连接称为保护接地。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 均匀电场气隙中一旦出现自持放电,间隙将立即击穿。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]根据《水工建筑物水泥灌浆施工技术规范》SL62-94,下列灌浆工程在施工前或施工初期必须进行现场灌浆试验的有()。
A. 1级水工建筑物基岩帷幕灌浆 B. 2级水工建筑物基岩帷幕灌浆 C. 地质条件复杂地区的1级水工建筑物基岩固结灌浆 D. 地质条件复杂地区的2级水工建筑物基岩帷幕灌浆 E. 水工隧洞固结灌浆 [填空题]非特殊情况下不得变更工作负责人,如确需变更工作负责人应由( )同意并通知( ),工作许可人将变动情况记录在工作票上。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交