Pollution is a "dirty" word. To pollute means to contaminate topsoil or something by introducing impurities which make (31) unfit or unclean to use. Pollution comes (32) many forms. We see it, smell it, taste it, drink it, and stumble through it. We literally lived in and breathe pollution, and (33) surprisingly, it is beginning to threaten our (34) , our happiness, and our civilization.
Once we thought of pollution (35) meaning simply the smog — the choking, stinging, dirty (36) that hovers over cities. But air pollution, (37) it is still the most dangerous, is only one type of contamination among several (38) attack the most basic life functions.
Through the uncontrolled use of insecticides, man has (39) the land, killing the wildlife. By (40) sewage and chemicals into (41) and lakes, we have contaminated our drinking water. We are polluting the ocea
According to usage and conventions
which are at last being questioned but have by no means been overcome, the
social presence of a woman is different in kind from that of a man. A man’s
presence is dependent upon the promise of power which he embodies. If the
promise is large and credible his presence is striking. If it is small or
incredible, he is bound to have little presence. The promised power may be
moral, physical, temperamental, economic, social, and sexual—but its object is
always exterior to the man. A man’s presence suggests what he is capable A. justify and reinforce it. B. understand and explain it. C. expose and discredit it. D. demonstrate and criticize it. [判断题]当资产A和资产B存在正相关关系时,如果某人拥有资产A面临贬值风险,他可以通过卖出资产B进行对冲。()
[判断题]287、ZZG 起钻过程中发现井壁坍塌现象,要快速起钻,不得开泵循环钻井液。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]造成高压电容器外壳膨胀的原因之一是内部发生局部放电。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男性,30岁。确诊哮喘入院治疗3周,经正规治疗病情缓解,仅偶有胸闷,出院时医嘱患者出院时向医生咨询下述哪些办法可能彻底根治哮喘,您的回答是()。
A. 避免吸入花粉和尘螨 B. 避免上呼吸道感染 C. 避免吸入冷空气 D. 避免剧烈运动 E. 以上都不是 [多项选择]以下哪句名言,适合生产线班长学习的?()
A. 以仁心换人心 B. 人做好了,事情才好做 C. 人尽其能、物尽其用 D. 带人要带心 [单选题]接触网作业人员进行隔离开关、负荷开关倒闸时,必须有( )的命令。(职工)(应知应会-《高速铁路接触网安全工作规则》第九十三条)
A.列车调度员 B.供电调度员 C.车站值班员 D.段生产调度 [单项选择]关于子宫,下列描述错误的是()
A. 为腹膜间位器官 B. 分为底、体、颈3部分 C. 子宫圆韧带维持其前倾位 D. 子宫主韧带维持其前屈位 E. 妊娠期子宫峡伸展变长形成子宫下段 [多选题]监控单元用户下“模块信息”菜单,可显示直流电源系统中整流模块的信息是( )。
A.整流模块交流输入电压 B.输出电压 C.输出电流 D.内部温度 [判断题]重氮化耦合是磺胺类药物的特征反应
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]实施现场检查的人员不得少于( )人。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 [单选题]消防救援人员应当按照《中华人民共和国消防救援衔标志式样和佩带办法》和《国家综合性消防救援队伍制式服装穿着和标志服饰缀钉规范》的要求,配套穿着制式服装,佩带标志服饰,做到( )。
A.着装一致.仪容严整.规范整齐 B.着装整洁庄重.仪容严整.规范统一 C.着装整洁.仪容庄重.规范统一 [不定项选择题]A.情感
A.良心 B.义务 C.权利 D.审慎 E.病人余先生,因大叶性肺炎住进内科病房,经检测发现为乙型病毒性肝炎。恰在余先生不在病房时,护士遵医嘱在其床旁挂了血液隔离标志。余先生知道后,很不高兴,认为"是对自己的污辱"。此时,护士忽视了余先生的 我来回答: 提交