Our bodies are wonderfully skilful at
maintaining balance. When the temperature jumps, we sweat to cool down. When our
blood pressure falls, our hearts pound to compensate. As it turned out, though,
our natural state is not a steady one. Researchers are finding that everything
from blood pressure to brain function varies rhythmically with the cycles of
sun, moon and seasons. And their insights are yielding new strategies for
keeping away such common killers as heart disease and cancer. Only one doctor in
20 has a good knowledge of the growing field of "chronotherapeutics," the
strategic use of time (chronoa) in medicine. But according to a new American
Medical Association poll, three out of four are eager to change that. "The field
is exploding", says Michael Smolensky. "Doctors used to look at us like, ’What
space ship did yo A. heart disease and cancer are the most common killers of human beings B. blood pressure and brain function are decided by cycles of sun, moon and seasons C. the functions of human bodies have much to do with nature D. any change in human bodies goes systematically with changes in the environment [单选题]铁路货车车轮轮缘厚度棚车、集装箱平车、平车-集装箱共用车、小汽车运输专用车及120km/h货物列车中的铁路货车须≥( )mm。
A.22 B.23 C.24 D.25 [单选题][T]A-B-001 4 2 3
绝缘工具在使用中要经常保持清洁、干燥,切勿损伤。使用管材制作的绝缘工具,其管口要( )。 A.水洗 B.敞开 C.密封 D.通风 [单选题]十字轴万向节传动具有( )传动的特点。
A.不等速 B.等角速度 C.准等角速度 D.等速度 [多选题]车站值班员接收临时限速调度命令时,须通知车站盯控人员上岗盯控,并与( )核对命令内容和受令处所。
A.助理值班员 B.信号员 C.扳道员 D.盯控人员 [单选题]通电导体产生的热量与电流的平方成正比,与导体的电阻成( )。
A.正比 B.反比 C.无关 D.平方成反比 [多选题]轴流式风机的叶片损坏将导致( )。
A.A 风压增大 B.B 振动增大 C.C 轴承温度升高 D.D 风量增大 [单选题]集装箱标志中的箱主代号由( )拉丁字母组成。
A. 三个大写 B. 三个小写 C. 四个大写 D. 四个小写 [单项选择]对长度为n的线性表进行顺序查找,在最坏情况下所需要的比较次数为______。
A. log2n B. n/2 C. n D. n+1 [单选题]配电变压器停电操作顺序是( )。
A.先拉开高压侧开关(刀闸),后拉开低压侧熔断器 B.先拉开低压侧开关(刀闸),后拉开高压侧熔断器 C.先拉开高压侧开关(刀闸),后拉开高压侧熔断器 D.先拉开低压侧开关(刀闸),后拉开低压侧熔断器 [填空题]Only with the help of your father ______(你才能买得起一幢大房子).
[多项选择]Which three of these are benefits of telepresence and video collaboration?()
A. do more with less B. provide a unified tool for all business processes C. influence competitive advantage and business agility through faster decision-making and new business processes and models D. eliminate miscommunication E. reduce the need to personalize communications with customers F. transform your business and organization and be greener [简答题]法国国家反恐检察院5日宣布立案调查当天在该国东北部城市梅斯发生的持刀袭击事件,评估该事件是否为恐怖袭击。该检察院此前已对3日在法国巴黎南郊发生的一起持刀伤人事件展开调查。
[判断题]防火对通风的要求是风流稳定、漏风量少和通风网络中有关区段易于隔绝。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )应当对专职消防队、志愿消防队等消防组织进行业务指导;
A.应急管理部门 B.消防救援机构 C.公安部门 D.国家综合性消防救援队 [判断题] 判断题 作业组成员服从工作领导人的安排,要确认各自的职责。对不安全和有疑问的命令要果断及时地提出意见。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]作业前检查多电源和有自备电源的用户已采取()等防反送电的强制性技术措施。
A.机械联锁 B.防误闭锁 C.带电闭锁 D.电气联锁 [单项选择]食用酒精氧化试验选用配制标准液的试剂是()。
A. 三氯化铁、氯铂酸钾 B. 三氯化铁、氯化钴 C. 三氯化铁、高锰酸钾 D. 三氯化铁、氯化钾 我来回答: 提交