{{I}} Questions 1 to 5 are based on an
interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer
each of the following five questions. Now listen to the interview.{{/I}} |
Passage 3 Futures are used for three purposes; hedging, speculating and arbitraging. This passage is only concerned with hedging, but it should be noted that speculators and arbitrageurs play a particularly important role in the market. It is largely the speculators who take on the risks that the hedgers seek to shed, while the arbitrageurs, by ensuring that futures prices constantly stay in line with other markets, give both hedgers and speculators the confidence that they are doing their deals at the right price. The volume of deals for arbitrage and speculation purposes is much higher than that for hedging purposes. This is similar to the foreign exchange markets, where it has been estimated that, the foreign exchange business needed in any one year for commerce and tourism is all done by 11 a.m. on 2, January, while the res [判断题]工会对违反《工会法》规定,侵犯其合法权益的行为,有权提请人民政府劳动行政部门予以处理,或者向人民法院提起诉讼。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]不同形式的吊篮平台可按不同规定挂在双悬挂机机构的前段垂下的单根或者数根【】上。
A.吊索 B.铁丝 C.安全绳 [多选题]涂装工厂的主要废水可分为以下几种( )
A.前处理废水 B.电泳废水 C.喷漆室废水 D.湿打磨废水 E.酸性废水 F.刷洗废水 [单项选择]液压传动的工作原理是靠密封容器内的液体( )来进行能量转换、传递与控制的。
A. 体积 B. 压力能 C. 重量 D. 质量 [单选题]党政机关的行文关系有( )。
A.逐级行文、多级行文、直贯到底的行文 B.上行文、下行文、平行文 C.逐级行文、多级行文、超级行文 D.超级行文、下行文、平行文 [多选题]旅游产业运行监测与应急指挥平台中的客流监测系统的数据主要来源为 _____
A.运营商信令数据 B.景区检票系统数据 C.评价数据 D.客流数据 [单选题] 渐变焦眼镜的附加光度越高像差区的面积和量值( )。
A.不变 B.越大 C.越小 D.越不稳定 [判断题] 压力容器按安装方式分为固定式容器和移动式容器。 【判断题】
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]申请设置信标台、空间台和技术参数需要超出管理办法规定的特殊业余电台的办法为什么?
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