For sometime past it has been widely
accepted that babies—and other creatures—learn to do things because certain acts
lead to "rewards"; and there is no reason to doubt that this is true. But it
used also to be widely believed that effective rewards, at least in the early
stages, had to be directly related to such basic physiological "drives" as
thirst or hunger. In other words, a baby would learn if he got food or drink or
some sort of physical comfort, no otherwise. It is now clear that this is not so. Babies will learn to behave in ways that produce results in the world with no reward except the successful outcome. Papousek began his studies by using milk in normal way to" reward" the babies and so teach them to carry out some simple movements, such as turning the head to one side or the other. Then he noticed that a baby A. they succeeded in "switching on" the light B. the sight of the lights was interesting C. they need not turn back to watch the lights D. the lights were directly related to some basic" drives" [单选题]()是一种剧毒气体。
A.砷化氢 B.氢气 C.氮气 [多选题]变压器的主要功能有( )变换。
A.电压 B.电流 C.阻抗 D.能量 [单项选择]《滦河水向天津奔来》一文安排结构的依据是()。
A. 空间顺序 B. 时间顺序 C. 时空顺序 D. 纵横结合 [单项选择]How many orangutans are left now
A. 25 000. B. Over 25 000. C. About 25 000. D. No more than 25 000. [不定项选择题]甲厂和乙厂的车在行驶中相撞。甲厂车辆损失600元,车上货物损失1500元;乙厂车 辆损失400元,车上货物损失500元。交通管理部门裁定甲厂负主要责任,应承担经济损 失70%,适用的免赔率为15%;乙厂负次要责任,应承担经济损失30%,适用免赔率 为5%。
根据保险车辆驾驶人员在事故中所负责任,车辆损失险和第三者责任险在符合赔偿规定 的金额内实行( )。
A.相对免赔率 B.最高赔款额 C.绝对免赔率 D.最低赔款额 [单选题]病人,男性,31岁,胸部受伤,急诊入院。经吸氧,呼吸困难无好转,有发绀及休克症状。查体:左胸饱满,气管向右移位,左侧可触及骨擦音,叩之鼓音,听诊呼吸音消失,皮下气肿明显。诊断首先考虑是( )
A.肋骨多发骨折 B.胸骨骨折合并开放性气胸 C.肋骨骨折合并张力性气胸 D.心脏挫伤 E.闭合性气胸 [单选题] 油菜氮磷钾肥料用量一般每亩施五氧化二磷( )kg。
A.8~9 B.2~3 C.4~5 D.6~7 [判断题]机床轨道系统不具有提供轨道是否封闭的信息。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列叙述中,有错误的一种是( )。
A. 荷载设计值一般大于荷载标准值 B.荷载准永久值一般小于荷载标准值 C.材料强度设计值大于材料强度标准值 D.材料强度设计值小于材料强度标准值 [单项选择]影响刀尖强度和切削流动方向的刀具角度是()。
A. 主偏角 B. 前角 C. 副偏角 D. 刃倾角 [多项选择]以下有关建筑结构方面的说法中正确的是( )。
A. 钢结构自重较轻,从而可以降低基础造价 B. 钢结构比钢筋混凝土结构便宜 C. 五层以下的建筑物砌体结构比钢筋混凝土结构经济 D. 建筑材料费用一般占直接工程费的10% E. 木结构在各类建筑工程中广泛采用 [单项选择]在AUTOCAD中,POLYGON命令最多可以绘制多少条边的正多边形:()
A. 128 B. 256 C. 512 D. 1024 [判断题]欧罗巴系列20欧元透明窗内可见彩虹色线条、面额数字、€、欧罗巴女神肖像。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]无缝道岔必须设在( )。
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