To finance the national debt, the
government issues a variety of debt securities. The most widely held liquid
security is the Treasury bill, which is commonly issued by the ministry of
finance. However, some Treasury bills, like the Treasury bill of the U. S.
government, do not actually pay interest. Instead they are issued at a discount
from par (their value at maturity). The investor’s yield comes from the increase
in the value of the security between the time it was pm, chased and the time it
matures. Treasury bills are attractive to investors because they are backed by the government and therefore are virtually free of default risk. Because even if the government ran out of money, it could simply print more to pay them off when they mature. The risk of unexpected changes in inflation is also low because of the short term to maturity. The markets [判断题]在4级及以上的大风以及暴雨、雷电、冰雹、大雾、沙尘暴等恶劣天气下,应停止露天高处作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]水刹车循环用水的水温不超过()。
A. 40℃ B. 60℃ C. 75℃ D. 85℃ [单选题]延长旅游点生命周期的根本办法,是( )
A.市场宣传 B.降价出售 C.连续发展 D.延长成熟期 [判断题]电子政务建设中的任何“一步到位”的设计思想和解决方案都是不可能的。
[判断题]路政管理,是指县级以上人民政府交通主管部门或者其设置的公路管理机构,为维护公路的管理者、经营者、使用者的合法权益,根据《公路法》及其他有关法律、法规和规章的规定,实施保护公路、公路用地及公路附属设施的行政管理。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下哪项不属于氯丙嗪的适应证
A. 急性精神分裂症 B. 躁狂症 C. 抑郁症 D. 其他精神病伴有紧张、妄想等症状 E. 以上都不是 [单项选择]某托儿所因喂食婴儿米粉而引起数名婴幼儿食物中毒,其主要症状为恶心、呕吐,腹痛但无腹泻的症状,口干,四肢无力,体温不高,经对症治疗,病情好转。
可初步诊断为 A. 沙门菌属食物中毒 B. 副溶血性弧菌食物中毒 C. 蜡样芽胞杆菌食物中毒 D. 亚硝酸盐食物中毒 E. 变形杆菌食物中毒 [单项选择]肝细胞中主要的胆红素转运蛋白是()
A. M蛋白 B. TH蛋白 C. X蛋白 D. Y蛋白 E. Z蛋白 我来回答: 提交