Why do some new products succeed, bring
millions of dollars to innovative companies, while others fail, often with great
losses7 The answer is not simple, and certainly we cannot say that "good"
products succeed while "bad" products fail. Many products that function well and
seem to meet consumer needs have fallen by the wayside. Sometimes, virtually
identical products exist in the market at the same time with one emerging as
profitable while the other fails. Mc. Neal Laboratories’ Tylenol has become
successful as an aspirin substitute, yet Bristol Meyers entered the test market
at about the same time with Neotrend, also a substitute for aspirin which
quickly failed. The nature of the product is a factor in its success or failure, but the important point is that they should aim at meeting the customer’s need, and the introduc A. that the good products succeed while the bad fail B. that the "good" are not really good but the "bad" are actually bad C. that new products will succeed if they function well and fail if they don’t D. not given in the paragraph [判断题]3.22.第22题保护装置电源自启动试验时,将试验直流电源由0缓慢调至80%额定电源值,装置运行灯应点亮且无异常
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]如需办理异地注销作业,施工负责人应在施工登记时向登记站车站值班员说明施工注销地点。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]( )的商品适合采用薄利多销的方式增加销售收入。
A.需求缺乏弹性 B.需求富有弹性 C.需求单位弹性 D.需求无弹性 [单选题]运行中的电压互感器二次线圈不许( )
A.开路 B.短路 C.接地 D.不接地 [填空题]在组织和协调群体活动的过程中,管理者必须依循人本原理,( ),效益原理及 ( )等基本原理。
[单项选择]Clearly, if we ______ in the class we must communicate with our classmates.
A. participate B. are to participate C. will participate D. do participate [单选题]服脊髓灰质炎三联疫苗哪项是错误的
A.每次服三型白色糖丸1粒,每次隔1月,共3次 B.可于1,2,7岁入学前后服1次加强免疫力 C.吞服糖丸时必须用冷开水送服 D.发热,活动性肺结核,免疫缺陷者均应忌服本疫苗 E.为了增强免疫力在口服本疫苗的同时可肌注丙种球蛋白 [单项选择]It can be inferred from the passage that______.
A. CPI B. CPITN C. CPD D. OHI E. DI [单选题]采样值报文中一级级联传输延时不大于( ).二级级联传输延时不
大于( )o A. 1ms. 1.75ms B. 1ms. 2ms C. 1.05ms. 1.75ms D. 1.05ms. 2ms [判断题]氧气瓶瓶体为白色,字体为红色。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电感按结构分类分为.( ).非线绕式电感器。
A.振荡电感器 B.校正电感器 C.线绕式电感器 D.显像管偏转电感器 [判断题]对方案审批类作业,上级主管部门应按标准组织验收,或在作业前由上级主管部门进行方案审批、组织方案交底并按规定监督。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
The amount of sunlight reaching Earth’s surface appears to be growing. The phenomenon, which some dub "global brightening," (1) scientists with a puzzle. If the (2) is real and global, how long will it last and what are the consequences for climate change, the planet’s water cycle, and other (3) that draw energy from sunlight (4) , the answer might seem obvious: More sunlight reaching the ground in a warming world means that temperatures will get warmer (5) . Not so fast, some researchers say. Additional warming would be certain (6) nothing else in the climate system changes. And the climate system is (7) static. Some combinations of changes could reinforce the heating; others could (8) it. Unraveling these interactions and forecasting their course require an accurate accounting of the sunlight reaching the surface and the (9) the surface sends skyward. Moreover, researchers say, measurements of [简答题]试述简单直线回归分析的特点。
[多选题] 储罐区燃烧面积为( )之和。
A.着火罐燃烧面积 B.相邻罐冷却面积 C.流散液体燃烧面积 D.空中面积 [判断题]气体检测仪应在洁净环境下开机自检。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 消防救援人员非因公外出不能着制式服装。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] BA007 抽油机井是通过井下( )往复抽吸井筒内的液体把油层的油采出地面的。
A.封隔器 B.深井泵 C.螺杆泵 D.抽油杆 [判断题]教师上传至校本资源库的资源,只有管理员账号有删除权限()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某工业企业2007年度销售商品及提供劳务的收入为1000万元,应收票据的期初余额为20万元,期末余额为30万元;应收账款的期初余额为 200万元,期末余额为150万元;预收账款的期初余额为50万元,期末余额为80万元。2007年度收回以前年度核销的坏账损失为10万元。假定不考虑增值税及其他因素,该企业2003年度现金流量表中的“销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金”项目金额应为( )万元。
A. 940 B. 1000 C. 1020 D. 1080 我来回答: 提交