The massive search fur a missing Sannich woman today failed to turn up any trace of the 20-year-old University of Victoria student. Marguerite Tellesford disappeared last Sunday shortly after she started out for an early morning run. Police believe she was the victim of foul play. Her ear muffs and a pool of blood were found about a kilometer from her home. Barry Bell has more on the story.
Hundreds of people turned up after police called for volunteers to comb the wooded parkland of Mount Douglas, north of Victoria, for clues in the suspected murder of Marguerite Tellesford. But four hours of painstaking probing left the searchers empty-handed. Sannich Emergency Program coordinator Lance Olmstead says the effort by the volunteers was remarkable. Absolutely outstanding. We ended up in the end with almost three hundred people in this search. In this area 90% of the ground has been covered at least once. But Mr. Olmstead says searchers found no clues or evidence in what the
I always enjoy the drive{{U}} (36)
{{/U}}Marley. It is a good straight road, with some {{U}} (37) {{/U}}
views of the countryside on{{U}} (38) {{/U}}side. There are woods and
hills, villages and farms and about halfway, a large lake. And because there is
{{U}} (39) {{/U}} much traffic on the road, I can usually enjoy the
{{U}} (40) {{/U}} as I drive along. I was{{U}} (41) {{/U}}annoyed the other morning, therefore, when a small green car began to drive very close behind me. I went {{U}} (42) {{/U}} faster, {{U}} (43) {{/U}} to leave the car behind. But {{U}} (44) {{/U}} I slowed down, the little car {{U}} (45) {{/U}} me, the driver, a middle-aged man, was smiling and waving to me. {{U}} (46) {{/U}} ,I did not recognize either him or the car. "Perhaps I am {{U}} (47) {{/ A. hoped B. hoping C. hope D. to hope [单选题]行政机关作出强制执行决定前应事先催告当事人履行义务,书面催告载明事项不包括
A.履行义务期限 B.履行义务方式 C.申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼的途径和期限 D.涉及金钱给付的明确金额和给付方式 [单选题]井塌可能产生的后果()。
A.无影响 B.井涌 C.卡钻 [多选题]民事法律行为被确认为无效或被撤销后,会发生的法律后果包括:
A.返还财产 B.赔偿损失 C.收归国家、集体所有或返还第三人 D.民事起诉 E.效力待定 [单选题]关于聚乙烯材料长期静液压强表述不正确的是( )。
A. 是聚乙烯材料定级命名和强度设计的依据 B. 受环境温度、材料密度和熔融指数影响 C. 长期静液压强度是一个和应力有不同量纲的量 D. 表示在温度T和时间t下预测的平均强度 [单项选择]弓形虫的终末宿主是()
A. 蚯蚓 B. 耕牛 C. 蚂蚁 D. 白蛉 E. 猫 [判断题]申请举行集会、游行、示威要求解决具体问题的,主管机关接到申请书后,可以通知有关机关或者单位同集会、游行、示威的负责人协商解决问题,并可以将申请举行的时间推迟5日。()
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]在文字服务和输入语言的设置选单中,如果还需要其他输入法,单击该界面下的()。
在《国际海上避碰规则》中,关于“船舶”一词的定义不正确的是:() A. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ B. Ⅰ、Ⅱ C. Ⅰ D. Ⅱ、Ⅲ [简答题]发生火警时,应立即关闭电源走就近的什么地方疏散至地面?
A. 35.5~34mm B. 42.5~36.3mm C. 52.5~48mm D. 555~51.5mm [单选题]肾盂肾炎最常见的感染途径是()
A.血行感染 B.直接感染 C.淋巴道感染 D.上行感染 E.邻近组织的感染 我来回答: 提交