Our constitution does not copy the laws of
neighboring states; we are rather a pattern to others than imitators ourselves.
Its administration favours the many instead of the few; this is why it is called
a democracy. If we look to the laws, they afford equal justice to all in their
private differences; if to social standing advancement in public life falls to
reputation for capacity, class considerations not being allowed to interfere
with merit; nor again does poverty bar the way; If a man is able to serve the
state, he is not hindered by the obscurity of his condition. The freedom which
we enjoy in our government a jealous surveillance over enact other, we do not
feel called upon to be angry with our neighbor for doing what he likes, or even
to indulge in those injurious looks which cannot fail to be offensive, although
they inflict A. The ancient Athenians’ constitution does not copy the laws of neighboring states. B. The ancient Athenians’ administration" favours the many instead of the few. C. The ancient Athenians are examples to others rather than imitators ourselves. D. The ancient Athenians have all the features of A, B and C. [单选题]合环时500kV的电压差一般不应超过额定电压(),220kV电压差不应超过额定电压20%。
A.5% B.10% C.15% D.20% [单选题]完成下列工作的员工属于那种角色?1.准备危化品装运的容器或包装;2.准备、放置化学品标签、警示或货运票据;3.往运输车辆上装载化学品容器。
A.化学品接收人 B.化学品发货人 C.司机 D.不确定 [多选题]【服务】提升5G服务质量中的“四条营销红线”包含“四个严禁”分别是:
A.严禁片面夸大5G优势或优惠项目,隐瞒或淡化限制性条件。 B.严禁误导、强迫用户办理或升级5G套餐,未经用户同意不得擅自开通5G套餐、升级包等服务 C.严禁无协议约定限制5G套餐用户更改其他在售套餐,对于有协议约定的5G套餐用户变更套餐的,可与用户协商解约事宜。 D.严禁线上线下渠道限制4G套餐查询和办理。 [判断题]建筑设计单位不按照消防技术标准强制性要求进行消防设计的,由消防救援机构责令改正或者停止施工,并处一万元以上十万元以下罚款。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]蓝色、黄色防洪预警由()自行发布、解除。
A.集团公司 B.段 C.车间 D.班组 [判断题]教育以创造社会物资财富为直接目的,为经济服务是其本质的功能。()
[单选题]1043. 1043.养路机械液压系统中的()组成辅助部分。
A.液压控制阀 B.液压马达 C.液压油缸 D.滤油器 [多选题]EPON网络中用户上网速度慢主要原因有( )
A.光纤衰耗过大 B.OLT速率模板配置过小 C.BARS上QoS配置错误 D.用户网线故障 我来回答: 提交