Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on Answer Sheet 2.B
aghdad, Iraq--If, in time, the attempt to implant a pro-Western, democratic political system in Iraq ends up buried in the desert sands, historians will have no shortage of things that went wrong. (46) Equally, if the problems here ultimately recede, supporters of the enterprise will find vindication (证明…正确) in the Bush administration’s decision to hold course as others lost faith.
(47) Either way, any reckoning will examine the numbers of American troops committed here: whether they were so thinly stretched that their mission was doomed from the start, or, as Secretary Of Defense Donald Rumsfeld said last week, American commanders were given "exactly what they’ve recommended" in terms of troops.
Mr. Rumsfeld has long taken a "less
Why haven’t I left yet Everyone seems to be asking me this question now. Clearly their having to say goodbye as if it’s the last time they’re ever going to see me is beginning to wear out my friends. Some of the more unfortunate must have said goodbye at least three or four times. Much to everyone’s delight, I will be setting off this Saturday, but getting all the necessary visas for the journey has been far from quick, cheap or straightforward.
Getting a Chinese visa was easy enough. The Mongolian embassy seemed a bit unprepared for me, or in fact any other tourist, wanting .to visit the country in winter and it took half an hour of knocking on the door before I got an answer. The Mongolian visa, however, has a map of the country in the background that should come in handy if I get lost out on the grassland.
It was getting a Russian visa that had me wondering if I’d ever be able to leave. The requirements for the visa, especially for
A. Grateful.
B. Worried.
C. Delighted.
D. Impatient.
Mr. Brown worked at a big company. He
went to work by (21) . One day when he was standing at the
bus-stop, he noticed cars go (22) . Many of the cars were
new Crown 90Os, and most of them were black. Mr. Brown was a person who did not like to be different from other men. He (23) wore the same clothes as other men, ate the same food as other people, and (24) the same things as they did. A month (25) , Mr. Brown (26) a new black Crown 90Os. He was very pleased with it, and drove to (27) in it the very next morning. When he saw all the other Crown 900s, in front, behind and on both sides of him, he was< A. past B. after C. later D. before [单项选择]收款台与货架,冰箱、餐台与货架之间的通路一般设为()厘米。
A. 60 B. 70 C. 90 D. 120 [判断题]对盖有“假币”字样戳记的人民币纸币,经鉴定为假币的,由鉴定单位予以没收,并向收缴单位和持有人开具《货币真伪鉴定书》和《假币没收收据》。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]安全责任清单实行分层分级( ),包括安全责任清单的编制发布、学习培训、落实执行和评价考核。
A.开环管理 B.闭环管理 C.系统管理 D.严格管理 [判断题]现实的评估价值必须反映资产的未来潜能,未来没有潜能和效益的资产,其现实评估值是不存在的。 ( )
A. 压力开关 B. 压力循环开关 C. 限流管 D. 空调放大器 [单选题]在同杆塔架设多回路中部分线路停电的杆塔上进行工作时,( )进入带电侧的横担,或在该侧横担上放置任何物件。
A.可以 B.经工作负责人同意可以 C.不宜 D.不准 [多项选择]着力( ),实现又好又快发展,可以为发展中国特色社会主义打下坚实基础。
A. 把握发展规律 B. 创新发展理念 C. 转变发展方式 D. 破解发展难题 E. 保证发展质量和效益 我来回答: 提交