If you like the idea of staying with a
family, living in house might be the answer. Good landladies — those who are
superb cooks and launderers, are figures as popular in fiction as the bad ones
who terrorize their guests and overcharge them at the slightest opportunity. The
troth is probably somewhere between the two extremes. If you are lucky, the food
will be adequate, some of your laundry may be done for you and you will have a
reasonable amount of comfort and championship. For the less fortune, house rules
may restrict the freedom to invite friends to visit, and shared cooking and
bathroom facilities can be frustrating and row-provoking if tidy and untidy
guest are living under the same roof. The same disadvantages can apply to flat sharing, with the added difficulties that arise from deciding A. Problems of sharing and paying. B. Differences in living habits. C. Shared cooking and bathroom facilities. D. Restriction to invite friends to visit. [单项选择]
患者,女。鼻干3年。鼻涕黄稠,嗅觉丧失,常感食少腹胀,大便时溏。检查见鼻肌膜萎缩,有黄绿色脓痂,唇舌淡白,苔白,脉缓弱。 此患者可能的诊断结果是()A. 萎缩性鼻炎 B. 鼻硬结病 C. 干燥性鼻炎 D. 慢性鼻炎 E. 鼻毛霉菌病 [单项选择]
一般船舶的离泊操作要领是:() A. Ⅰ和Ⅱ对 B. Ⅱ和Ⅲ对 C. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ都对 D. Ⅰ、Ⅲ对 [单选题]施工用电要求:配电箱至各电器设备的线路,应采用()电(线)缆,宜架空铺设,且电缆固定位置要牢固,配电箱应采用专用防水型。
A.单层绝缘 B.双层绝缘 C.三层绝缘 D.多层绝缘 [单选题]进行心肺复苏法时,如有担架搬运伤员,应该持续做心肺复苏,中断时间不超过( )s。
A.5 B.10 C.30 D.60 [单项选择]某浆砌石坝施工采用一次拦断法导流,其施工导流方法属于( )导流。
A. 分段围堰法 B. 全段围堰法 C. 束窄河床 D. 明渠 [单选题]男性,50岁。上前牙固定义齿4个月后修复体与邻牙间出现间隙。查:上11、21缺失,12~22瓷固定桥修复,上颌侧切牙与尖牙间隙0.5mm,12、22叩诊(+),不松动。余留牙正常。最可能的原因是
A. 基牙折断 B. 基牙负荷过大 C. 基牙牙周炎 D. 修复体制作问题 E. 固位体固位力不够 [单选题]通常要求真空断路器的触头材料具有的性能之一是( )。
A. 耐弧性强 B. 导热性能差 C. 绝缘性能强 [判断题]领导作风是指领导者在领导活动中表现出来的一贯的态度和行为。( )
[单选题] 逻辑无环流可逆调速系统中,当转矩极性信号改变极性,并有( )时,逻辑才允许进行切换。
A.零电流信号 B.零电压信号 C.零给定信号 D.零转速信号 [单项选择]骨盆出口是( )
A. 由1个三角组成 B. 由2个大小不等的三角组成 C. 由2个在不同平面的三角组成 D. 由共同相等的边,形成2个不在同一个平面的三角形组成 E. 由3个大小不等的三角形组成 [单选题]ZPW-2000A型无绝缘移频自动闭塞系统,接收器故障表示灯每周期闪动()表示备机载频故障。
A.A、2次 B.B、3次 C.C、4次 D.D、5次 [单选题]膨胀阀开度( ),一般高、低压侧压力均低且制冷不足。
A. 过大 B. 过小 C. 不变 D. 以上三种情况都是 [判断题]起诉人重复起诉的,应当裁定不予受理;已经受理的,裁定驳回起诉()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据国家赔偿法规定,下列属于国家必须承担赔偿责任的情形是( )
A. 某交警休假期间与朋友自驾车旅游,在途中发生车祸致他人受伤 B. 城管执法人员对在路边摆摊的张某进行劝阻时,张某采取自残的方法用刀将自己的手割伤 C. 某工商局执法人员为报复情敌王某,以执法人员的身份对王某开设的杂货店进行违法查封 D. 某公安干警下班在家因邻居的音响声音过大与邻居发生了矛盾,在争吵过程中,将邻居打伤 [单选题]水泵扬水管不得变径缩小安装,扬水管须安装( )。 A.安全阀 B.截止阀 C.止回阀 D.膨胀阀
A.A B.B C.C D.D [多选题]企业标识是代表企业( )的一种符号。
A.形象 B.特征 C.信誉 D.文化 [单项选择]In literature a story in verse or prose with a double meaning is defined as/n______.
A. allegory. B. sonnet. C. blank verse. D. rhyme. [单项选择]学校中开展各类活动的最基本的基层组织是( )。
A. 小组 B. 班级 C. 年级 D. 教研室 [单项选择]
Did you ever have someone’s name on the tip of your tongue and yet you were unable to recall it (1) this happens again, do no (2) to recall it. Do something (3) for a couple of minutes, (4) the name may come into your head. The name is there since you have met (5) person and his name. It (6) has to be dug out. The initial effort to recall (7) the mind for operation, but it is the subconscious (8) that go to work to dig up a (9) memory. Forcing yourself to recall (10) never helps because it doesn’t (11) your memory;it only tightens it. Students find the preparatory method help (12) examinations. They read over the questions (13) trying to answer any of them. (14) they answer first the ones (15) which they are most confident. Meanwhile, deeper mental activities in the subconscious mind are taking (16) ; work is being done on the (17) difficult ques [单选题]临床上常用的普通肝素配置后标签上哪一项不需要写( )
A.配置时间 B.肝素的剂量 C.配置者姓名 D.配置地点 E.以上都是 [单选题](66032)JD305型制动电阻通风机电动机的额定转速是( )。(2.0分)
A.1 000 r/min B.1 320 r/min C.1 499 r/min D.2 950 r/min [填空题]亚洲具有丰富的太阳能、风能、水能等()。未来各类电源发展规模主要受()等方面因素的影响。
A.热秘 B.气秘 C.湿秘 D.气虚便秘 E.阳虚便秘 [单选题]分光光度计中检测器灵敏度最高的是()。
A.光敏电阻 B.光电管 C.光电池 D.光电倍增管 [单项选择]根据法官职业道德准则,下则哪种情况下法官应当回避( )
A. 法官本人曾是强奸犯的被害人,现在又承担一起强奸案的审理工作 B. 法官本人感觉对案件有关的法律问题把握不准的 C. 法官审理上诉案件时与原审法官的私人关系密切 D. 法官认为自己审理案件可能引起公众对该案件的处理产生怀疑的 [单选题]风力发电机组发生火灾、飞车或失控情况时,在保证自身安全前提下,采取必要的安全措施后迅速撤离现场,禁止通过电力驱动的升降装置撤离。
A. A.正确 B.B.错误 [单选题]各分站点数据严重告警情况下,现场告警方式为( )。
A.短信告警 B.邮件告警 C.电话告警 D.声光报警 [单选题]使用中发生卡链情况,应将重物放下后方可检修。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]下列文件中属于压缩文件的是( )
A.fit.exe B.trans.doc C.test.rar D.map.htm [单选题]高架库房内消火栓间距不应超过()(易)
A.5m B.10m C.20m D.30m [简答题]汪俊林董事长在《革命与重树》中提到的解决办法为?
For the past several years, the Sunday newspaper supplement Parade has featured a column called "Ask Marilyn." People are invited to query Marilyn vos Savant, who at age 10 had tested at a mental level of someone about 23 years old; that gave her an IQ of 228 ― the highest score ever recorded. IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper after it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among other similar tasks. So it is a bit confusing when vos Savant fields such queries from the average Joe (whose IQ is 100) as. What’s the difference between love and fondness Or what is the nature of luck and coincidence It’s not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers. Clearly, intelligence encompasses more than a score on a test. Just what does it mean to be smart How much of intelligence can [判断题]C02 气瓶内气体压力降至 1MPa 时,应停止使用。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]换装电能表打开表尾盖后,应首先确认电流进出线、电压线及相别和零线。拆除时应先拆电压线并采取防止( )的措施,后拆零线,安装时顺序相反。
A.短路 B.对地短路 C.相间或相对地短路 D.电弧灼伤 [填空题]组成谈判班子的原则主要有两个:()和()。
[多选题]以下哪些属于个人储蓄存款范畴( )。
A.定期存款 B.个人保证金存款 C.个人大额存单 D.个人结构性存款 我来回答: 提交