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For years I. O.C. Czar Juan Antonio Samaranch has exhibited a pronounced ambivalence about drug use, and certainly his stance has allowed a number of golden boys and girls to keep their images shiny while doping. Careful athletes can easily beat the system that is in place to catch drug abusers. Unscrupulous sports federations can tailor testing schedules and tip off their constituents. Steroid creams can be flushed from the system in 24 to 48 hours. And for some of the most commonly used enhancers, such as erythropoietin (EPO), there are still no institutionalized teats. It is said that EPO, which increases stamina by boosting an athlete’s red blood cell count, can improve an athlete’ s performance in a 20-minmn by 30 sec., but it is otherwise a nightmare of a drug. Overdose on EPO, and the blood becomes too thick for the heart to pump. EPO is believed to be the culprit in no fewer than 25 mysterious deaths among world-class cyclists since 1987.
A. When athletes take steroid creams, they would be definitely tested.
B. The testing system is not exact enough because the athletes are informed testing schedules beforehand.
C. More than half of the Olympic--caliber U.S. athletes have taken the dreadful drugs to win the game
D. Erythropoietin is a kind of drug that can enhance an athlete's performance in 20 minutes.
The ownership of pets brings a variety
of benefits that the uninitiated would never believe. For every tale of shredded
cushion, flattened plants, chew slippers, there is another testimonial of
intelligence, sympathy and undying devotion. Now the growing body of research
into the medical and social advantages of pet ownership has confirmed what pet
owners have always intuitively known: that pets are not just loving companions
but actually do us good. Researchers have established the value of pets in
soothing and reassuring humans, particularly when ill, lonely or in distress.
Perhaps the unquestioning love and approval pets give us is something we don’t
always get from our human nearest and dearest. Our makeshift understanding psychology leads many of us to view very close relationships with pets with suspicion. Chil A. supported by research B. encouraged by psychologists C. an argument for keeping a pet D. a common prejudice [简答题](1)资料显示,从2003年至2007年,仅山东省就有共206家韩资企业非正常撤离中国。这种“非正常撤离”对中国的地方政府长期以来“以政绩为导向"的对外招商引资政策敲响了警钟。
山东省外经贸厅提供的数据表明,2003年以来“非正常撤离”的206家韩资企业.导致2.6万名员工受影响,拖欠工资1.6亿元(人民币,下同),拖欠银行贷款近7亿元。烟台去年逃逸的三家韩资企业,拖欠职工工资370万元,各项债务3000万元。同类事件在胶 州、青岛等地发生,韩资企业密集的青岛市城区更是“重灾区”。
A.正序 B.负序 C.零序分量 D.相序 [单选题]括苍收费站到回山收费站中间共有几个隧道?( )
A.10个 B.11个 C.12个 D.13个 [简答题]参加调车作业的人员应做到哪些?
[判断题] 油气初次运移是指生油层生成的油气向附近储集层中的运移。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列有关急性菌痢的临床表现,不典型的是()
A. 里急后重 B. 发热 C. 呕吐 D. 腹痛 E. 黏液便 [判断题]带电进行预绞丝修补导线,应充分考虑预绞丝的长度可能引起安全距离不足。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下哪个GPRS控制信道用于向移动台分配一个或多个PDTCH()
A. PAGCH B. PPCH C. PNCH D. PR [判断题]在作业指挥过程中,调试负责人(施工负责人)指令有误或存在安全隐患时,司机有权拒绝动车
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 2015年9月3日,顾先生在某银行的存取款一体机支取了10张100元券,对其中2张心存怀疑,“总觉得不像真币”。于是他拿着机器打印出来的所取现金冠字号码的取款凭条,当即向网点大堂经理申请查询。该行的员工受理申请后,通过核对流水信息等方式确认这些现金是从该行的存取款一体机里取出的。同时,该行员工对这两张钞票进行了鉴伪,查明这两张100元现金其实都是1999版人民币真币。以下说法正确的是()。
A. . 该行员工应首先鉴定所涉货币真伪,鉴定为真币的,不受理冠字号码查询申请; B. . 鉴定为假币的,受理冠字号码查询申请; C. . 顾先生申请查询还需出示身份证或其他有效证件; D. . 顾先生不可委托他人代理查询。 [单选题]水体污染物的转化是指()。
A.污染物从一点转移到另一点 B.污染物从一种介质转移到另一介质 C.污染物改变了原有的化学性质.毒性和生物学效应 D.污染物在水中逐渐扩散,以致浓度降低 E.污染物在水中只发生浓度的变化 我来回答: 提交