{{B}}Medical Education{{/B}} In 18th-century colonial America, those who wanted to become physicians either learned as personal students from established professionals or went abroad to study in the traditional schools of London, Paris, and Edinburgh. Medicine was first taught formally by specialists at the University of Pennsylvania, beginning in 1765, and in 1767 at King’s College (now Columbia University), the first institution in the colonies to give the degree of doctor of medicine. Following the American Revolution, the Columbia medical faculty (formerly of King’s College) was combined with the College of Physicians and Surgeons, chartered in 1809, which survives as a division of Columbia University. In 1893, the Johns Hopkins Medical School required ail applicants to have a college degree and was A. how medicine is taught in America. B. how medical education has developed in America. C. how the American educational system works. D. how one can become a good doctor. [简答题]材料:2003年,河南洛阳中院法官李慧娟审理了一宗“种子案”。该案中,甲公司委托乙公司培育种子,双方约定了数量、质量、价款、交货时间等。乙公司培养完种子后,没有依约将良种卖给甲公司,而是高价卖向市场,给甲公司造成了经济损失。甲公司依法将乙公司告到法院。李慧娟法官作为本案的审判长,在确定乙公司的赔偿基准时,遇到了法律难题,依据河南人大常委会制定的种子条例,乙公司应依国家指导价,赔偿甲公司经济损失7万元;依据全国人大常委会制定的种子法,乙公司依市场自由价,赔偿甲公司经济损失约70万元。最后,李法官以河南人大常委会制定的种子条例与全国人大常委会制定的种子法不一致,下位法自然无效为由,判决乙公司赔偿甲公司经济损失70万元。
(1) 说理充分,逻辑严谨,语言流畅,表达准确;
(2) 答题文体不限,字数要求不少 500字。
A.按销售模式区分 B.按业务种类区分 C.按产品区分 D.按部门区分 [不定项选择题]恶性高血压的血管病理变化是( )。
A.细动脉壁玻璃样变性 B.中型动脉壁纤维素样坏死 C.小动脉壁洋葱皮样改变 D.小血管壁中性粒细胞浸润 E.中型动脉壁肉芽肿形成 [单选题]经历了快速建仓带来的跌穿之痛,近两月以来成立的偏股型新基金纷纷采取低仓位^it 仓的措施,28只新基金虽然无一跌穿面值,但收益也_。
填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。
A.乏善可陈 B.寥寥无几 C.凤毛麟角 D.九牛一毛 [单选题]在车站、主变电所、OCC等生产区域范围内不影响行车及行车设备设施使用,大面积影响客运组织、消防及环控系统正常使用、需动火的作业为()。
A.B3类 B.C1类 C.C2类 D.C3类 [单选题]项目财务内部控制的重点是( )。
A.工程价款支付控制 B.竣工财务决算控制 C.业务程序控制 D.财产保护控制 我来回答: 提交