应首先考虑为()。 Obviously television has both
advantages and disadvantages. In the first place, television is not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a cheap one. With a TV set in the family people don’t have to pay for expensive seats at the theatre, or the cinema. Some people, however, think that this is where the danger comes from. The television viewers need do nothing. He makes no choice and exercises, no judgment. He is completely passive. Television keeps one informed about what is happening. The most distant countries and the strangest customs are brought right into one’s sitting room. On television everything is much more living, much more real. Yet here again there is a danger. We get so used to looking at the movements on it, so dependent on its pictures that it begins to control our lives. People often say that their television sets have A. it keeps us informed B. it is very cheap C. it enables us to have a rest D. it controls our lives [多项选择]下列经济业务应该编制转账凭证的是( )。
A. 生产产品领用材料 B. 产品加工完毕,验收入库 C. 购入设备一台,款项未付 D. 以银行存款预付保险费 [判断题]在《企业职工基本养老保险实施办法》实施前参加工作的连续工龄视同缴费年限。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
《高层民用建筑设计防火规范》规定,设有高位消防水箱的高层建筑消防给水系统,其增压水泵的出水量,对消火栓给水系统不应大于()L/s。 A. 10 B. 5 C. 1 D. 2 [单项选择]测定某混合碱时,用酚酞作指示剂时所消耗的盐酸标准溶液比继续加甲基橙作指示剂所消耗的盐酸标准溶液多,说明该混合碱的组成为()。
A. Na2CO3+NaHCO3 B. Na2CO3+NaOH C. NaHCO3+NaOH D. Na2CO3 [单选题]-B-B-001 4 2 1
对于导体的电阻,以下说法不对的是()。 A.电阻值与横截面积成正比 B.电阻值与长度成正比 C.电阻值与横截面积成反比 D.电阻值与电阻率成正比 [单项选择]
It looks like a great big cigar, (1) it is really a dangerous saltwater fish called barracuda. This (2) fish has a narrow body which grows to be from four to six feet long. However it may reach ten feet in (3) ! The barracuda looks very much (4) the pike, a freshwater fish. [简答题]低压电气带电工作应戴绝缘手套、护目镜,并保持对地绝缘
[多选题]培养特征:( )
A.自然培养 B.堆积升温 C.季节性强 D.易培养 E.周期长 F.菌酶共存 [判断题]随动控制系统是不需要设定值的控制系统。
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