The proportion of works cut for the
cinema in Britain dropped from 40 percent when I joined the BBFC in 1975 to less
than 4 percent when I left. But I don’t think that 20 years from now it will be
possible to regulate any medium as closely as I regulated film. The Internet is, of course, the greatest problem for this century. The world will have to find a means, through some sort of international treaty of United Nations initiative, to control the material that’s now going totally unregulated into people’s homes. That said, it will only take one little country like Paraguay to refuse to sign a treaty for transmission to be unstoppable. Parental control is never going to be sufficient. I’m still very worried about the impact of violent video games, even though researchers say their impact is moderated by the fact that players don’ A. Digitally-delivered movies. B. Multiplexes. C. Advanced cameras. D. Sound. [简答题]肿瘤的异质性
[单选题]在压井过程中,控制井底压力略大于地层压力是借助( ),控制一定的井口回压来实现的。
A.压井管汇 B.节流管汇 C.放喷管线 D.平板阀 [单项选择]泵轴的轴颈处弯曲度大于(),中部弯曲度大于()时,要进行校直或更换。
A. 0.05m;0.2m B. 0.15m;0.2m C. 0.2m;0.1m D. 0.2m;0.05m [单项选择]施工图审查机构对建设项目施工图进行审查后,应将技术性审查报告提交给( )。
A. 建设单位 B. 监理单位 C. 建设行政主管部门 D. 工程质量监督机构 [多项选择]可以承担建设工程项目总承包任务的组织有( )。
A. 为业主提供服务的一个工程咨询单位与一个施工单位组成的联合体 B. 实施监理的一个工程监理单位与一个施工单位组成的联合体 C. 一个设计单位与一个施工单位组成的合作体 D. 一个设计单位 E. 一个设计单位与多个施工单位组成的联合体 [填空题]What are the main features of the cubist paintings .
[判断题]路堤内因水力渗透作用形成较大的管涌,路堤有坍塌破坏的可能时可以限速行车( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]1.(多选题)钢丝绳磨损过快的原因有:()。
A.超载使用 B.有脏物,缺润滑 C.滑轮或卷简直径过小 D.绳槽尺寸与绳径不相匹配 [单项选择]()磨损是在高温下(700~800℃)空气中的氧与硬质合金中的钴及碳化钨、碳化钛等发生氧化的作用,产生较软的氧化物被切屑或工件擦掉而形成的磨损。
A. 冷焊 B. 磨粒 C. 氧化 D. 以上都对 我来回答: 提交