There was once a king. He wanted to
send a message to a friend who lived far away, but he didn’t want anyone else to
see it. He wanted it to be a secret one. The king thought and then had an idea.
He knew how he could do that. The king called in a servant whom he trusted most and said to him, "I want you to shave all the hair off your head." And the servant did so. Then the king wrote something on his head. After that, the king said, "I want you to stay alone until your hair grows back. Your hair will hide what I have written. I’m going to put yon in a room for a month." One month passed. The king let the servant out and asked him to send the message. He said, "I want you to show him the message on your head. Only he may see it." When the serva [单项选择]1957年,在( )的西汉早期墓葬中,发现过一些用麻类纤维制成的残纸,据认为这是世界上已知的最早的人造纸片。
A. 西安灞桥 B. 陕西咸阳 C. 洛阳 D. 开封 [多选题]对无法进行直接验电的设备、高压直流输电设备和雨雪天气时的户外设备,可以进行间接验电,即通过设备的()及各种遥测、遥信等信号的变化来判断。
A. 机械指示位置 B. 电气指示 C. 带电显示装置 D. 仪表 [单项选择]酒精擦浴的主要散热方式是()
A. 辐射 B. 传导 C. 折射 D. 蒸发 E. 对流 [判断题]开办手机银行业务的网点须有良好内控管理水平,至少3年内无案件和重大差错事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]明敷接地在长度超过20m时,全部进行接地标识
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]日产液量大于50t,不大于100t的电动潜油泵井,正常波动范围是( )。
A.±5% B.±10% C.±20% D.±30% [多项选择]施工资源管理任务中“确定资源的分配计划”包括的工作有( )。
A. 编制人员需求分配计划 B. 编制施工队的工作分配计划 C. 编制物资分配计划 D. 编制施工设施需求分配计划 E. 编制资金需求分配计划 [单项选择]
Extreme Programming (XP) is a discipline of software development with (71) of simplicity, communication, feedback and courage. Successful software development is a team effort - not just the development team, but the larger team consisting of customer, management and developers. XP is a simple process that brings these people together and helps them to succeed together. XP is aimed primarily at object-oriented projects using teams of a dozen or fewer programmers in one location. The principles of XP apply to any (72) project that needs to deliver quality software rapidly and flexibly. [单选题][352]道砟桥面由( )、轨枕、钢轨及联结零件组成。
A.A、A.道床 B.B、B.道砟 C.C、C.步行板 D.D、D.栏杆 [单选题]用止血带止血时应( )。
A.先在皮肤上加垫,松紧适度,每半小时放松1-2分钟 B. 先在皮肤上加垫,松紧适度,每半小时放松10分钟 C. 先在皮肤上加垫,松紧适度,每两小时放松20分钟 D. 先在皮肤上加垫,松紧适度,每三小时放松30分钟 [多选题]氯气主要通过( ),导致人员中毒。
A.呼吸系统吸入 B.皮肤接触 C.食入 D.水体 [多选题]火灾发生一般必须具备( )等几个条件。
A.水 B.大风天气 C.可燃物 D.火源 E.空气 [单项选择]徐某夫妇结婚已15 年,一直未育,欲收养一名子女。根据《收养法》,下列人员中,不能被徐某夫妇收养的是( )。
A. 父母双方均去世的15 岁的未成年人甲 B. 查找不到生父母的出生6 个月的弃婴乙 C. 查找不到生父母的11 岁儿童丙 D. 生父母有特殊困难无力抚养的4 岁儿童丁 我来回答: 提交