Between the eighth and eleventh
centuries A. D., the Byzantine Empire staged an almost unparalleled economic and
cultural revival, a revival that is all the more striking because it followed a
long period of severe internal decline. By the early eighth century, the empire
had lost roughly 2/3 of the territory it had possessed in the year 600, and its
remaining area was being raided by Arabs and Bulgarians, who at times threatened
to take Constantinople and extinguish the empire altogether. The wealth of the
state and its subjects was greatly diminished, and artistic and literary
production had virtually ceased. By the early eleventh century, however, the
empire had regained almost half of its lost possessions, its new frontiers were
secure, and its influence extended far beyond its borders. The economy had
recovered. The treasury w A. cloning is beneficial and moral problems can be avoided B. cloning should be banned due to its moral side effect C. cloning offers a possibility of reproducing people D. cloning may cause social and welfare problems [填空题]吹气式液位计的吹气的供气量是( )
A. 必须是午餐后2h B. 必须是早餐后2h C. 一餐食物全部吃完后,开始计算 D. 从吃第一口饭开始计算 E. 必须是饮用葡萄糖后2h [单项选择]渗透液中的溶剂应具有()性能。
A. 对颜料有较大的溶解度 B. 表面张力不宜太大,具有良好的渗透性 C. 具有适当的粘度和对工件无腐蚀性 D. 上述三点都有应具备 [多项选择]征信服务中心及其工作人员不得违反法律、法规及《个人信用信息基础数据库管理暂行办法》的规定,()、()、()或()个人信用信息,不得与自然人、法人、其它组织恶意串通,提供虚假信用报告。
A. 篡改 B. 毁损 C. 泄露 D. 非法使用 [判断题]企业在参与期货套期保值之前,需要结合自身情况进行评估,以判断是否有套期保值需求,以及是否具备实施套期保值操作的能力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 自燃点是指可燃物在没有火焰、电火花等火源直接作用下,在空气或氧气中被加热而引起燃烧的最高温度。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]《国家电网有限公司安全准入工作规范(试行)》中所称的安全准入管理是指公司通过安全资信备案、考核评价等方式,对需进入各单位所属生产经营 区域从事生产施工作业的企业和人员,在作业进场前和实施 过程中所进行的安全许可、动态管控等相关管理工作。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]矿井通风方式可分为( )。
A.中央式、对角式或混合式 B.压入式、抽出式和混合式 C.串联网路和并联网路 我来回答: 提交