Silence Please If there is one group of workers across the Western world who will be glad that Christmas is over, that group is shop workers. It is not that they like to complain. They realize that they are going to be rushed off their feet at Christmas. They know that their employers need happy customers to make their profits that pay their wages. But there is one thing about working in a shop over Christmas that is too bad to tolerate. That thing is music. These days, all shops and many offices have what is known as "Piped music" or "muzak" playing for all the hours that they are open. Muzak has an odd history. During the 1940s, music was played to cows as part of a scientific experiment. It was found that co A. cows. B. workers. C. customers. D. bosses. [单选题]实践和认识的主体与客体之间最根本的关系是( )
A.改造与被改造的实践关系 B.反映与被反映的认识关系 C.需要与被需要的价值关系 D.知情意相统一的审美关系 [判断题]只有具备良好的职业道德品质和职业道德素养,才会设身处地为旅客、货主着想。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]能润燥滑肠兼补虚的药物是
A.大黄 B.芦荟 C.番泻叶 D.火麻仁 E.芒硝 [单选题]配电站、开闭所、箱式变电站等的钥匙至少应有()。
A.一把 B.二把 C.三把 D.四把 [单项选择]拔除过程中可使用旋转力的牙齿是()
A. 上颌中切牙 B. 上颌双尖牙 C. 上颌第一恒磨牙 D. 下颌中切牙 E. 下颌近中阻生智齿 [判断题] 发现有跨步电压危险时,应单足或并足跳离危险区 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]轧辊是由( )、辊颈和辊头三部分组成。
A.A:对。 B.B:错。 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]下列关于冻结存款的说法错误的是( )。
A.冻结存款的期限为6个月 B.公安机关可以办理继续冻结手续每次续冻期限最长不超过3个月 C.存款已被冻结的不得重复冻结但可轮候冻结 D.逾期不办理继续冻结手续的视为自动解除冻结 [多项选择]钢结构焊接产生热裂纹的主要原因包括()。
A. 焊接结构设计不合理 B. 母材抗裂性能差 C. 焊接材料质量不好 D. 焊接内应力过大 E. 焊接工艺参数选择不当 [单选题]动车组以调车作业方式进入股道停车时,两端距离出站信号机均不得小于( )m。
A.20 B.50 C.100 [判断题]机器防护罩的主要作用是防止发生操作事故。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交