某建筑工程,建筑面积100800m2,现浇剪力墙结构,地下2层,地上 50层,基础埋深10.2m,底板厚2.9m,底板混凝土强度等级为C35,抗渗等级为P12。施工单位制订了底板混凝土施工方案。并选定厂某商品混凝土搅拌站。底板混凝土浇筑时当地最高大气温度37℃,混凝土最高入模温度40℃。 |
When his daughter Mary went out for her
evening walk Doctor Cochran sat for an hour alone m his office. It began to grow
dark and the man who all afternoon had been sitting on chairs and boxes before
the livery barn across the street went home for the evening meal. The noise of
voices grew faint and sometimes for five or ten minutes there was silence. Then
from some distant street came a child’s cry. Presently church bells began to
ring. The Doctor was not a very neat man and sometimes for several days he forgot to shave. With a long lean hand he stroked his half grown beard. His illness had struck deeper than he had admitted even to himself and his mind had an inclination to float out of his body. Often when he sat thus his hands lay in his lap and he looked at them with a child’s absorption. It seemed to him they must belon A. He was indifferent in nature. B. He was an ardent lover. C. He was clumsy at expressing himself. D. He bore a grudge against his wife. [简答题]验电笔的使用注意事项有哪些?
A.儿童票 B.学生票 C.伤残军人票 D.团体旅客优惠票 [单选题]仅允许对柜员类型为______的柜员使用“密码+主管指纹授权”的认证模式。
A. 普通柜员 B. 一级主管兼柜员 C. 二级主管兼柜员 D. 三级主管 [单选题]进入作业现场应正确佩戴安全帽,现场作业人员还应穿( )、绝缘鞋。
A.绝缘服 B.屏蔽服 C.防静电服 D.全棉长袖工作服 我来回答: 提交