听第7段材料,回答第8~10题。 |
With the spread of inter-active
electronic media a man alone in his own home will never have been so well placed
to fill the inexplicable mental space between cradle and crematorium. So I
suspect that books will be pushed more and more into those moments of travel or
difficult defecation (1) people still don’t quite know what
to do with. When people do read, I think they’ll want to feel they are reading literature, or (2) something serious. (3) you’re going to find fewer books presenting themselves as no-nonsense and (4) assuming literary pretensions and being packaged as works of art. We can expect an extraordinary variety of genre, but with an underlying (5) of sentiment and visio A. contaminated B. contained C. sustained D. maintained [判断题]进入房屋倒塌等灾害现场,应当选择建筑构件牢固、受破坏程度小、距离近的路线进入,视情对沿线结构进行支撑加固。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]机关、企事业单位的人员参加国民经济动员演练期间,原单位工资和奖金照发,原有的福利待遇不变;没有单位的人员由县区人民武装部给予适当补贴。
A.静脉注射氨茶碱 B.口服倍他乐克 C.雾化吸入沙丁胺醇 D.鼻导管吸氧 E.口服强的松 [多项选择]小儿泌尿系解剖特点是
A. 肾位置偏低,2岁以内查体可触及 B. 输尿管长而弯曲,易受压及扭曲 C. 膀胱位置偏高,尿液充盈时可触及 D. 女婴尿道较短,容易发生逆行性感染 E. 男婴尿道较长,且常有包茎,不易发生逆行性感染 [判断题]窗口高宽比较小时,火焰( 或者热气流) 贴附外墙面的现象明显,使火势很容易向上蔓延发展。 ( )[ 易]
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]新生儿肺透明膜病发病因素是( )
A. 早产儿 B. 母患糖尿病 C. 肺表面活性物质缺乏 D. 肺内液体过多 E. 肺气肿 [单选题]法律产生于特定物质生活条件基础之上,其中决定法律本质、内容和发展方向的根本因素是 ( ) 。
A.人口 B.生产关系 C.生产方式 D.地理环境 我来回答: 提交