Dear Sirs,
Hand-embroidered (手绣的) Silk Scarfs
We thank you for your offer by telex of September 3 for 5,000 pieces of the captioned goods (标题货物) at £ 9.50 per piece CIF Hamburg.
We immediately contacted our customers and they showed great interest in the quality and designs of your products. However they said your price is too much on the high side, i.e.10% higher than the average. They told us if you can reduce your price to £ 8.55 per piece, they will increase 1,000 pieces to the quantity. So there is a good chance of concluding (缔结) a bigger transaction (交易) with them if you can meet their requirement. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity so that you will benefit from the expanding market.
We await your favorable reply with great interest.
Yours sincerely,
This letter is aimed at consulting about (1) .
The offer for the unit price is higher than the average by (2) .<
Practically speaking, the artistic
maturing of the cinema was the single-handed achievement of David W, Griffith
(1875-1948). Before Griffith, photography in dramatic films consisted of little
more than placing the actors before a stationary camera and showing them in full
length as they would have appeared on stage. From the beginning of his career as
a director, however, Griffith, because of his love of Victorian painting,
employed composition. He conceived of the camera image as having afore-ground
(近景) and a rear ground (远景),as well as the middle distance preferred by most
directors. By 1910 he was using close-ups to reveal significant details of the
scene or of the acting and extreme long shots to achieve a sense of spectacle
and distance. His appreciation of the camera’s possibilities produced novel
dramatic effects. By A. 15 minutes or less B. between 15 and 30 minutes C. between 30 and 60 minutes D. 1 hour or more [填空题]联锁表是根据站场图确定防护该进路的始终端信号机名称和显示、进路性质和方向、开通进路所需要的道岔及_____________和开通方向、敌对信号。( )
[填空题]If I had driven more carefully, I (avoid) ______ the accident.
[单选题]电压型逆变器是用( )。
A.电容器来缓冲有功能量的 B.电容器来缓冲无功能量的 C.电感器来缓冲有功能量的 D.电感器来缓冲无功能量的 [单选题]小儿易产生感冒.咳喘,原因主要是
A.脾常不足 B.肺脏娇嫩 C.肾常虚 D.稚阳未充 E.稚阴未长 [单项选择]某一外伤病人,不能说话但能听懂别人讲话,不能写字但能看书看报,他受到损伤的中枢应是______。
A. 感觉语言中枢 B. 视觉语言中枢 C. 听觉语言中枢 D. 运动语言中枢 [单选题]五防闭锁逻辑不能实现以下哪项功能( )。
A.防止误拉.合开关; B.防止带负荷拉.合刀闸; C.防止入带电间隔; D.防止误操作; [判断题]屈光性近视眼眼轴长度超出正常范围,角膜和晶状体曲率在正常范围。
[单选题]D-007 4 2 3
中间继电器的工作原理( )。 A.是电流的化学效应 B.是电流的热效应 C.是电流的机械效应 D.与接触器相同 [单项选择]不是骨髓象低倍镜观察项目的是
A. 判断骨髓涂片的质量 B. 观察分裂象细胞 C. 判断骨髓增生程度 D. 巨核细胞计数 E. 有无体积较大或成推出现的异常细胞, [单项选择]为避免椎弓峡部骨折漏诊,应()。
A. 照损伤脊椎正侧位 B. 照损伤脊椎侧位 C. 照损伤脊椎斜位 D. CT检查 E. MRI检查 [填空题]数据类型包括:___ 数据和___ 数据。
(1)合营企业的注册资本为900万美元,其中,甲公司出资680万美元.乙公司出资220万美元。甲公司出资的主要方式是:场地使用权180万美元,机器设备300万美元,现金200万美元。乙公司出资的方式是:工业产权120万美元,现金100万美元。 (2)约定投资规模为2500万美元。 (3)合营企业今后以向社会发行股票的办法来筹集企业扩大再生产所需的资金。 要求:根据该合同上述条款及规定回答下列问题,并说明理由。 (1)合营企业中外方出资额的比例是否符合规定 (2)注册资本与投资总额比例是否符合规定 (3)该企业发行股票的办法募集资金是否符合规定 [单项选择]进行尸体护理时,错误的是()
A. 除去治疗用物,去枕,放低头部 B. 洗脸,闭合眼睑 C. 有义齿代为装上 D. 擦净躯体,必要时填堵孔道 E. 穿上尸衣裤并用尸单包裹 [判断题]《高速铁路无砟轨道线路维修规则》规定:道岔顶铁、心轨防跳铁、尖轨防跳限位装置等各部件的联接和固定螺栓变形、损坏或作用不良时,应进行修理或更换。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]使胃蛋白酶原转变为胃蛋白酶的激活物是( )
A. 内因子 B. 肠激酶 C. 辅酯酶 D. 组织液 E. 胃酸 [简答题]测量
A. 颊部蝶形红斑 B. 向阳性皮疹 C. 结节红斑 D. 网状青斑 E. 紫癜样皮疹 [判断题]立案后犯罪嫌疑人如果在逃的,公安机关可以发布通缉令,采取有效措施,追捕归案。()
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交