There is a window in the office where I
work that overlooks the playground next door. Seated at my desk, I can look out
this window and am rewarded with a most delightful view. Several times during
the day, the students at the elementary school are released to the always ready
play are A. Children of many colors and sizes romp around the grounds, whooping
and hollering and carrying on as children do. I see swings flying in the air,
teeter totters balancing precariously on end, big robber balls earning new
bruises on the blacktop. In the foreground are picnic benches under an aging oak
tree, where little girls come to share secrets and little boys sneak up from
behind to steal them away. As I sit at my desk and observe the frenzied play of these children who are working so hard at being children, I A. imaginative B. sentimental C. warm-hearted D. hypocritical [单选题]用电检查工作应填用现场作业工作卡,现场作业工作卡中,一张现场作业工作卡宜执行同一类营销现场作业。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [多选题]《上海铁路局客运车站站内作业车辆管理办法》规定,应急救援和重点任务用车辆包括()等。
A.消防车 B.救护车 C.应急抢修车 D.警卫用车 [单项选择]设总体X在区间[-θ,θ]上服从均匀分布,其中θ>0是未知参数,从总体X中抽取样本值-4,-2,1,3,则θ的最大似然估计值为
A. -4. B. 1 C. 3. D. 4. [判断题]作业人员搬运推力轴瓦或导轴瓦过程中,应协调一致避免设备坠落伤害事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]( )速度大于90km/h区段的工区配置带T字减速信号。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列对非盈利性项目的叙述错误的是( )。
A. 该项目主要为社会公众提供服务或产品,不以盈利为目的 B. 其显著特点是为社会提供的服务和使用功能不收取费用或只收少量费用 C. 对其进行财务分析的目的是为投资决策提供依据 D. 该项目包括公益事业项目、行政事业项目和某些基础设施项目 [单项选择]()不是海湾战争给中国国防建设的启示。
A. “和平与发展”仍是当今世界两大主题,但是过程曲折 B. 注意周边地区的安全与稳定的控制 C. 加强对作战理论研究,提高战略决策指导能力 D. 扩充军队实力,随时做好打仗的准备 我来回答: 提交