A -- ROM (Read Only Memory)
B -- CAD (Computer Aided Design)
C -- NII (National Information Infrastructure)
D -- CAI (Computer Assisted Instruction)
E -- UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply)
F -- ISDN (Integrated Service Digital Network)
G -- PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)
H -- OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
I -- IP (Internet Protocol)
J -- RAM (Random Access Memory)
K -- HTTP (Hyper Text Transport Protocol)
L -- EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange)
M -- PC (Personal Computer)
N -- DA (Office Automation)
O -- ISP (Internet Service Provider)
P -- WWW (World Wide Web)
When Abraham Lincoln was a lawyer in
rural Illinois, he and a certain judge in town once got to bantering with
one another about horse trading. The upshot of the discussion was that they
agreed that the next morning, at nine o’clock, they would meet in front of the
general store and make a trade. Each would bring a horse, unseen by anyone up to
that hour. If either backed out of the deal, he would forfeit $ 25. The money
from each man was held by the local banker. The next morning, at the appointed hour, the Judge, came up the dirt road, leading the sorriest looking specimen of a horse ever seen in those parts of Illinois. The large crowd viewing the spectacle burst out laughing, already knowing that Abe Lincoln was bound to get the worst of the deal. A poorer horse just couldn’t exist anywhere and still be walking. A. singing B. insulting C. joking D. deceiving [单选题]建设项目对环境可能造成轻度影响的,应对编制( ),对产生的环境影响进行分析或者专项评价。
A.环境影响报告表 B.环境影响报告书 C.环境现状评价书 D.环境影响登记表 [单选题]在群体工程项目中,以单位(子单位)工程为对象编制的施工组织设计称为()。
A.施工组织总设计 B.单位工程施工组织设计 C.施工方案 D.安全专项施工方案 [单项选择]
You can tell age of a tree by counting its rings. But these records of a tree’s life really say a lot more. Scientists are using tree rings to learn what’s been happening on the sun’s surface for the last ten thousand years. Each ring represents a year of growth. As the tree grows, it adds a layer to its trunk, taking up chemical elements from the air. By looking at elements in the rings from a certain year, scientists can what elements were in the air that year. Dr. Stevenson is analyzing one element, carbon-14, in rings from both living and dead trees. Some rings go back almost ten thousand years to the end of the Ice Age. When Stevenson followed the carbon-14 track back in time, he found carbon-14 levels changed with the intensity of solar buring. You see, the sun has cycles. Sometimes it burns fiercely, and at other times it’s relatively calm. During the sun’s violent periods, it throws off charged formation of carbon-14 on earth. When there is m [多选题]用于混凝土中的钢筋应平直、无损伤,表面不得有( )。
A.A.裂纹 B.B.油污 C.C.标识 D.D.颗粒状或片状老锈 [简答题]已知某一般班加工量的3200t,其中初顶产量为150t,常顶84t,常一线135t,常三线208t,减顶油30t,减一线80t,蜡油918t,求本班轻油收率。
A.把对社会主义的认识提高到了一个新的科学水平 B.对探索怎样建设社会主义有重要的意义 C.为进一步推进改革开放和社会主义现代化建设提供了强大的思想武器 D.是对科学社会主义的发展和创新 [单选题]钢材疲劳破坏是指钢材在( )作用下,抵抗破坏的能力。
A.冲击荷载 B.交变荷载 C.重复荷载 D.恒定荷载 [单选题]手动变速器汽车在挂档时,出现异响并不能顺利进入档位的原因是:( )
A.互锁钢球轻微磨损 B.变速叉轴弯曲变形 C.输出轴轴承磨损 D.齿轮啮合间隙过小 [多选题]电气工作人员必须具备( )。
A.无妨碍工作的病症 B.具备必须的电气知识,并经考试合格 C.学会触电急救 D.思想政治觉悟高 [单项选择]电动转辙机摩擦连接器夹板弹簧各圈的最小间隙不能小于()毫米。
A. 1 B. 1.5 C. 2 D. 2.5 我来回答: 提交