Questions 174-177 refer to he
following article. Absenteeism is an ongoing problem in many companies, and the Stummering Corporation was no exception. Absenteeism and late arrival had been issues there for a long time, so management decided to study the problem. During the months of January through June of this year, employee absentee rates and arrival times were monitored. It was discovered that the average employee was showing up for work fifteen minutes late three times a week. In addition, the study showed that the majority of employees were missing a minimum of one day of work per month. Aside from the direct effects this situation was having on productivity, it was also creating a noticeable impact on employee morale. Management knew that this was a serious problem and that something had to be done right away. Human Resourc A. (A) Three times a week B. (B) Fifteen times a week C. (C) Three times between January and June D. (D) Fifteen times between January and June [简答题]马克思关于语言发展的理论主要包括哪些内容?
A. 是发生煤(岩)与沼气突出时 B. 正常生产没发生事故 C. 是发生火或瓦斯煤尘爆炸事故时 D. 三是发生透水与冒顶事故后人员封闭在灾区 [单选题]可能会出现闭经的避孕措施为
A.运用安全期 B.使用阴道隔膜 C.使用避孕套 D.口服避孕药 E.放置宫内节育器 [判断题]车站值班员应保证有不间断接车的线路。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]
A. 公司战略 B. 管理层次和管理幅度 C. 制度化程度 D. 关键职能 [单选题]
下列属于局部作用的是 A.普鲁卡因的浸润麻醉作用 B.利多卡因的抗心律失常作用 C.洋地黄的强心作用 D.苯巴比妥的镇静催眠作用 E.硫喷妥钠的麻醉作用 [判断题]电气转换器是利用反馈的原理工作的。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]高速铁路中 桥一桥长( )。
A.500m B.100m以上至500m C.20m以上至100m D.20m及以下 [单选题]为确保冬期施工起重机械设备安全使用,春季冻土融化,应当随时观察设备 基础是否发生( )。
A.裂缝 B.倾斜 C.沉降 D.积水 [单选题]腹外疝的常见原因不包括
A.腹部切口愈合不良 B.老年人慢性便秘 C.腹壁神经损伤 D.婴儿经常啼哭 E.剧烈运动 [判断题]铸铁壳和镶在橡胶圈内的玻璃反光镜组成的汽车反光装置和外包塑料的碳化钨轮胎钉,可称为组合物。这些组合物的构成物品都要安装在同一个包装内。
One hundred and thirteen million Americans have at least one bank-issued credit card. They give their owners automatic (31) in stores, restaurants, and hotels, (32) home, across the country, and even abroad, and they make many banking services (33) as well. More and more of these credit cards can be read automatically, making (34) possible to withdraw or deposit money in scattered locations, whether or not the local branch (35) is open. For many of us the "cashless society" is not (36) the horizon--it’s already here. [单选题]在青光眼治疗中,常用药物1%~2%毛果芸香碱滴眼液的副作用不包括( )
A.眉弓疼痛 B.近视加深 C.视物发暗 D.近视减轻 E.头痛 [判断题]山地救援中,应严防雷电伤害,尽量避开在大树、空旷地带和山顶等处停留或休息。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]教案编写是企业培训教学的重要基础工作.教案包括以下关键要素和内容().
A. 模式设计 B. 导语设计 C. 问题设计 D. 语言设计 E. 结尾设计 [单选题]中国消防救援队()是国家综合性消防救援队伍性质、宗旨和精神的体现
A.A、队旗 B.B、队歌 C.C、队徽 D.D、队服 [判断题]如果本单位有限空间作业频次低,属于偶发作业,可不纳入企业安全管理体系进行统一管理。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交