There has arisen during this twentieth century (as it arose before, in ages which we like to call dark) a pronounced anti intellectualism, a feeling that both studies and literature are not merely vain, but also (1) untrustworthy. With people swayed by this wrong (2) that there is little use in arguing, either for history or literature, or for poetry or music, or for the arts (3) .
With others, there is still faith that any civilization worthy of the name must be (4) in a ceaseless pursuit of truth. Whether truth is (5) through study or through the arts makes no difference. Any pursuit of truth is not only (6) ; it is the foundation stone of civilization.
The (7) for and reading of history is one of those approaches to truth. It is only ones all the arts and sciences are such (8) . All have their place; all are good; and each (9) with the other. They are not airtight compartments. It is only in a few i
A. intervals
B. spans
C. episodes
D. gaps
After yuppies and dinkies, a new
creature from adland stalks the block. The NYLON. an acronym linking New York
and London, is a refinement of those more familiar categories such as
jet-setters and cosmocrats (cosmopolitan keep up). Marketing
professionals have noted that (1) the demise of Concorde, a
new class of high-earner increasingly (2) his or her time
shuttling (3) the twin capitals of globalisation And NYLONS
prefer their home comforts (4) tap in both cities. Despite
the impressive (5) of air miles, they are not adventurous
people. As (6) from Tom Wolfe’s Masters of the Universe of the 1980s. NYLONS have done more than well (7) the long boom and new economy of the last ten years. They are DJs. chefs, games designers. Internet entrepreneurs, fashionistas, publishers and e A. select B. choice C. excellent D. exquisite [单选题]肛诊检查触及不规则肿物,质硬,固定,最可能是
A.肛裂 B.直肠癌 C.肛瘘 D.内痔 E.直肠息肉 [多选题]下列( )属于发生地震时,车站行车值班员岗位职责。
A.接到OCC启动车站地震应急处理程序的信息后,通知值班站长,全站广播执行车站地震应急处理程序。 B.报119、120、110或地铁公安。 C.按压AFC紧急按钮,将闸机设为紧急模式。 D.及时向行调汇报人员疏散及灾害情况(若通讯中断应设法与外界取得联系)。 [多选题]双监护操作任务:
A.第一监护人应为主值班员及以上岗位人员,履行本标准有关操作要求,对其操作正确性负责; B.第二监护人应为值班负责人或熟悉电气系统、运行方式的电气运行管理人员,监护操作人、第一监护人正确履行本标准有关操作要求,对其正确性负责。 C.值长为应为低二监护人 [单选题][T]BF002 2 1 2一个具有曲面外形的叶轮,要加工其叶片部分,应选择在( )加工中心上进行加工。
A.数控车 B.立式 C.多坐标联动卧式 D.车削[T/] [单选题]根据《上海浦东发展银行运营工作人员违规积分管理办法》规定,对同一次违规行为涉及多个专业违规积分标准的,按其中()标准积分,不作累加。
A.分行平均 B.最高 C.网点平均 D.最低 [判断题]雷电时,应禁止在屋外高空检修.试验和屋内验电等作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列关于空气呼吸器的表述中,错误的是( )。
A.备用的空气呼吸器必须每月进行检查,或按能确保呼吸器在需要使用时能正常工作的频率检查。 B.关闭空气呼吸器瓶阀时,不要猛力旋转手轮,否则可能导致瓶阀阀垫的损坏,影响瓶阀的密封性能。 C.清洗、消毒面罩时,在温水(最高温度43℃)加入中性肥皂液或清洁剂(如:餐具用洗洁剂)进行洗涤,然后用净水彻底冲洗干净。 D.空气呼吸器应放入器材箱或存放于专用储存室,室温0℃~30℃,相对湿度40%~80%,并远离腐蚀性气体。 [判断题]人在梯子上时,禁止长距离移动梯子。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《国家电网公司变电运维管理规定》,地下变电站运维班人员应根据变电站投运后现场( )情况编写该地下变电站专用的《变电站现场应急疏散预案》,并组织运维班人员学习。
A.地理位置 B.建筑布置 C.出入通道 D.占地面积 [单项选择]按层次次序将一棵有 n 个结点的完全二叉树的所有结点从 1 到 n 编号,当 i≤n/2 时, 编号 i 的结点的左子女的编号是______。
A. 2i-1 B. 2i C. 2i+1 D. 不确定 [填空题]桑树绿枝夏秋季土钵扦插,技术操作要求高,()是出苗率高低的关键。
[单选题](208695)中修时电力机车轮对齿轮崩角沿齿高方向的限度是( )。(2.0分)
A.≤25% B.≤30% C.≤35% D.≤40% [判断题]无产阶级解放和全人类解放是完全一致的。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下不能定义为用户标识符的是______。
A. main B. _0 C. _int D. sizeof [判断题]变幅机构功能是驱动臂架变幅。(易)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]车机联控中,对列车运行监控装置故障的列车,车站值班员应于( ),及时主动通知机车乘务员。
A.列车接近时 B.进出站信号开放后 C.列车从邻站出发后 D.列车预告发车后 [多选题]法治思维以法治价值和法治精神为指导,蕴含着()等法治理念,是一种正当性思维。
A. 公正 B. 平等 C. 民主 D. 人权 [判断题]轨检车检测在160km/h≥线路允许速度vmax>120km/h正线地段,出现9mm轨向病害,则为Ⅱ级偏差。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]4.81.
Q/GDW/ZY 1023-2013《直接接入式电能计量装置故障处理标准化作业指导书》规定:电能计量装置故障处理 前,工作人员应使用验电笔(器)对( )金属裸露部分进行验电,并检查计量柜(箱)接地是否可靠。 A.工具箱 B.计量柜 C.计量箱 D.采集器箱 [单项选择]He told me how the accident come ( ).
A. out B. along C. about D. into [简答题]建立客户档案主要有什么作用?
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