Passage 1
Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. (1) I always encourage such people, but I also explain that there’s a big difference between "being a writer" and writing. In most cases these individuals are dreaming of wealth and fame, not the long hours alone at a typewriter. "You’ve got to want to write," I say to them, "not want to be a writer."
The reality is that writing is a lonely, private and poor-paying affair. For every writer kissed by fortune there are thousands more whose longing is never rewarded. When I left a 20-year career in the U. S. Coast Guard to become a freelance (自由栏目) writer, I had no prospects at all. What I did have was a friend who found me my room in a New York apartment building. It didn’t even matter that it was cold and had no bathroom. I immediately bought a used manual typewriter and felt like a genuine writer.
After a year or so, however, I stil
A. the wonderland one often dreams about
B. the bright future that one is looking forward to
C. the state of uncertainty before one’s final goal is reached
D. a world that exists only in one’s imagination
Robert Fred was the general manager of
a large hotel in Ashbury Park, New Jersey. One cold day two years ago when he
stopped his car at a traffic light, Stephen Pearman, an out-of-work taxi and
truck driver, walked up to Fred’s ear hoping to earn some change by washing his
windshield. Like many motorists who try to keep the beggars off, Fred turned on
the wipers to show he wasn’t interested. Pearman put his head close to the window. "Come on, mister. Give me a chance. I need a job," he said. Something in Stephen Pearman’s voice moved Robert Fred. In the seconds before traffic started moving again, Fred handed, Pearman a business card and told him to call if he was serious. "My friends told me he was just pulling my leg," said Pearman. "But I said, ’ No, he’s a businessman. I need to A. He always gives help to the unemployed. B. He likes to give his help to anyone in need. C. He helps those who work hard themselves. D. He is easily moved by poor people. [判断题]驾驶证有效期届满未延续的,应当注销驾驶证。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]压力管道养护至少( )个月冲洗一次。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [多选题]工作服穿戴要求三紧:( )。
A、领口紧 B、袖口紧 C、下摆紧 D、腰围紧
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单选题]动压轴承工作状态时润滑为( )动压润滑。
A.液体 B.气体 C.固体 [多选题]下边关于“一对多”基金专户业务与开放式基金业务描述正确的有()。
A.开放式基金在未遇到特殊情况时,可每日申购、赎回 B.开放式基金可以通过报刊、电视、广播、互联网及其他公共媒体公布运作报告,进行基金营销宣传推介 C.“一对多”基金专户业务属于私募性质,不能通过报刊、电视、广播、互联网(基金管理公司、代理销售机构网站除外)及其他公共媒体进行营销宣传 D.“一对多”基金专户产品按照资产管理合同规定客户参与和退出资产管理计划的时间及方式 [单项选择]风险评级结果或等级依据授信客户的预测违约概率划分,()
A. 1-10级为非违约评级 B. 1级的客户预测违约概率可能大于1% C. 7级的违约概率比8极高 D. 12级违约概率为90% [多项选择]下列物业管理档案资料中,属于永久保存的有()。
A. 物业及重要的附属设施设备的基础性文件资料 B. 有关物业更新、改造的会议决议文件 C. 物业管理工作中产生的重要决议、决定 D. 业主及业主大会的基础资料 E. 业主报修和投诉记录 [多选题]《中国铁路上海局集团有限公司车票实名制管理办法》(上铁客[2021]99号)规定,电子客票报销凭证、“行程信息提示”、实名制纸质车票上标有( )。
A.旅客姓名 B.有效身份证件部分号码 C.有效身份证件号码 D.证件类型简码 [单项选择]
Sometimes we have specific problems with our mother; sometimes, life with her can just be hard work. If there are difficulties in your (1) , it’s best to deal with them, (2) remember that any (3) should be done (4) person or by letter. The telephone is not a good (5) because it is too easy (6) either side to (7) the conversation. [单项选择]If television programs did not feature criminals, they ______ result in increased violence in society.
A. would not B. will not C. did not D. can not [单选题]为方便旅客的旅行生活,每位旅客限量携不超过( )毫升的指甲油。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 我来回答: 提交