It was once thought that air pollution
’affected only the area immediately around large cities with factories or
heavy automobile traffic. Today, we know that although these are the areas with
the worst air pollution, the problem is literally worldwide. On several
occasions over the past decade, a heavy cloud of air pollution has covered the
entire eastern halt’ of the United States and led to health warning even in
rural areas away from any major concentration of manufacturing and automobile
traffic. In fact, the very climate of the entire earth may be affected by air
pollution. Some scientists feel that the increasing concentration of carbon
dioxide in the air resulting from the burning of coal and oil is creating a
"greenhouse effect" holding in heat reflected from the earth and raising the
world’s average temperature. If this A. pat up B. set up C. make up for D. catch up with [单选题]吸收操作过程中,在塔的负荷范围内,当混合气处理量增大时,为保持回收率不变,可采取的措施有( )。
A.减小吸收剂用量 B.增大吸收剂用量 C.增加操作温度 D.减小操作压力 [计算题]31.某污水处理厂日处理污水量100000 m3/d,入流污水的SS为250mg/L。该厂设有四条初沉池,每池配有一台流量为60 m3/h的排泥泵,每2h排泥一次。试计算当SS去除率为60%时、要求排泥浓度为3%时,每次的排泥时间。(污泥密
[单项选择]“三个相结合”、“三同时”、“四到位”都是( )的原则及要求。
A. 节约用水 B. 能源的节约 C. 节约矿产资源 D. 节约土地资源 [单选题]H×N3型内燃机车( )能够对来自牵引发电机的交流电源进行整流,然后将整流后的电源输出。
A.DCL B.GFD C.APC [单项选择]收入型基金以获取( )为目的。
A. 基金资产的长期稳定增值 B. 当期的最大收入 C. 投资组合债券得到适当的利息收益 D. 稳定收益 [判断题]按照仪表的使用条件来分,误差有基本误差和附加误差。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]( )联合八部委制定的建设工程施工招标投标领域的规章,是规范工程施工招标资格预审文件以及工程施工招标文件编制和使用的通用规则。
A. 农业部 B. 中国民航总局 C. 国家发展改革委员会 D. 国家发展计划委员会 [填空题]
A. 收敛止血,解毒 B. 收敛止血,止痢 C. 收敛止血,消肿生肌 D. 凉血养阴,解毒 E. 凉血止血,消肿生肌 我来回答: 提交