By far the most common snake in Britain
is the adder. In Scotland, in fact, there are no other snakes at all. The adder
is also the only British snake with a poisonous bite. It can be found almost
anywhere, but prefers’ sunny hillsides and rough open country, including high
ground. In Ireland there are no snakes at all. Most people regard snake bites as fatal misfortune, but net all bites are serious, and very few are fatal. Sometimes attempts at emergency treatment turn out to be dangerous than the bite itself, with amateurs heroically, but mistakenly, trying do-it-yourself surgery and other unnecessary measures. All snakes have small teeth, so it follows that all snakes can bite, but only the bite of the adder presents any danger. British snakes are shy animals and are far more frightened of you than you could possi A. in wilder parts of Britain and Ireland B. on uncultivated land throughout Britain C. in shady fields in England D. in Scotland land nowhere else [单项选择]关于马克思主义的革命性,错误的说法是()。
A. 它主张对以往的一切哲学进行彻底的否定 B. 它坚持新陈代谢是宇宙间不可抗拒的普遍规律 C. 它自身并不是一个绝对真理的封闭体系,而是一个随着实践的发展而不断自我更新完善和发展的生机勃勃的开放体系 D. 它并没有结束真理,而是开辟了不断认识和掌握真理的道路 [填空题] 长波长光纤的工作波长在 1.1-1.8μm 范围内,有 1.31μm 和 1.55μm 两个工作窗口,用于单模传输,主要用于长距离、()的通信系统中。
[单选题]指派无资格人员从事社会消防技术服务活动,涉案合同金额100万元以上或服务机构违法所得5万元以上的,属于( )
A.严重违法 B.一般违法 C.较轻违法 D.不予处罚 [判断题]道口看守人员发现监控系统出现故障时,及时逐级汇报,工务段道口主管人员及时通知维护人员进行修理,恢复设备完好状态,并查明设备损坏原因。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]交流电桥的平衡需要满足对边桥臂阻抗的乘积相等,阻抗角的差值相等。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]源、库、流相互间有什么关系?了解这种关系对指导农业生产有什么意义?
[判断题].遗传基因的表达是决定个体表型的唯一因素。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]疏散用的楼梯间应符合下面( ) 规定。 [ 易]
A.楼梯间应能天然采光和自然通风 B.楼梯间内不应有影响疏散的凸出物或其他障碍物 C.楼梯间内不应敷设可燃气体管道 D.当住宅建筑的敞开楼梯间内必须设置可燃气体管道时,应采用金属管和设置切断气源的阀门 E.楼梯间宜靠外墙设置 [多选题]应教育从业人员按照护品的使用规则和防护要求正确使用劳动防护用品,应做到( )。
A.会检查护品的可靠性 B.会正确使用劳动防护用品 C.会正确维护保养护品 D.会维修劳动保护用品 [单选题]列车在接近隧道前,在允许范围内尽量( )列车速度。
A.提高 B.保持 C.降低 [多选题]如何根据被烧混凝土确定起火点()。
A.根据表面结构变化确定起火点 B.根据弹性变化特征确定起火点 C.根据表面颜色变化痕迹确定起火点 D.根据强度变化形成痕迹确定起火点 E.根据化学变化特征确定起火点 [单项选择]不属于民族自治地方的自治机关的是______。
A. 自治区的人民代表大会 B. 自治州的人民法院 C. 自治县的人民政府 D. 自治旗的人民代表大会 [判断题] 判断题 当班助理值班员可参加检修工作,但必须根据值班员的要求能随时退出检修组。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列表述中,错误的是()。
A.“五色土”中间是黄土,北方是黑土,南方是赤土,西方是青土,东方是白土,跟我国版图上土壤的实际分布是一致的,是中国的象征 B.“三教九流”中的“三教”是指儒教、道教、佛教 C.古代的王侯公卿、高官大臣死后,朝廷会根据其生平行为给予他一个称号,叫做“谥号”,如“齐桓公”“晋文公”“武穆公”等 D.古代最不礼貌的坐姿是“箕踞”,即随意伸开两腿,像簸箕一样地席地而坐 [判断题]智能音箱的产品可通过订购相应套餐可得。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
My name is Sarah. My grandfather was called Charles, and my grandmother was called Ann. They lived in Manchester. My grandmother died last year, aged ninety-eight. They had three children, named David, John and Alice. They are, of course, my father, my uncle, and aunt. My father is called David, and he is the eldest of the three. My mother is called Mary. My father was an [简答题] 材料的S-N曲线
[判断题]起重机起吊工作完毕后,应先收起支腿,然后再将臂杆放在支架上。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]在透平机械行业一般规定转速大于()属高速风机。
A. 呼吸性碱中毒 B. 代谢性酸中毒 C. 代谢性碱中毒 D. 呼吸性酸中毒 E. 呼吸性酸中毒和代谢性碱中毒 [多选题]安全标志分为( )。
A.禁止标志 B.警告标志 C.指令标志 D.提示标志 [简答题] How Global Warming Works
Gases in the Earth’’s atmosphere act like glass in a greenhouse-trapping heat and making life on Earth possible. But there is a delicate balance. Burning coal, oil and natural gas increases atmospheric concentrations of these gases. Over the past century, increases in industry, transportation, and electricity production have increased gas concentrations in the atmosphere faster than natural processes can remove them leading to human-caused warming of the globe.
The Sources Of Global Warming
The major source of global warming is carbon dioxide pollution from power plants, auto mobiles, and industry. Another source is global deforestation.
●Power plants are responsible for more than a third of U. S. CO2 emissions, yet there are no caps on CO2 emissions from power plants or any other industry.
●Gas guzzling cars and light trucks are also responsible for a third of U.S. CO2 emissions. Current regulations allow fo
[单选题]下列对RSA的描述正确的是:( )
A.RSA是秘密密钥算法和对称密钥算法 B.RSA是非对称密钥算法和公钥算法 C.RSA是秘密密钥算法和非对称密钥算法 D.RSA是公钥算法和对称密钥算法 [多项选择]下列对于土质路基压实原则说法错误的是( )。
A. 应采用坚硬耐久的中砂式粗沙 B. 应采用卵石式碎石,粒径不宜小于15mm C. 采用符合质量要求的外加剂 D. 需采用外掺料时,掺量应由试验确定 E. 掺加速凝剂前,应做与水泥的相容性实验及水泥净浆凝结效果实验。初凝不应大于 5min,终凝不应大于10min [单选题]9号线站台门站台级控制是执行( )发出命令的控制模式
A.PSL B.IBP C.ATS D.PIS [判断题]《出境货物通关单》以验讫日期作为签发日期,用于结汇的检验证书以信用证中要求的日期作为签发日期。()
[单项选择]Researchers who picked up and analyzed wild chimp droppings said on Thursday they had shown how the AIDS virus originated in wild apes in Cameroon and then spread in humans across Africa and eventually the world. Their study, published in the journal Science, supports other studies that suggest people somehow caught the deadly human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from chimpanzees, perhaps by killing and eating them.
"It says that the chimpanzee group that gave rise to HIV... this chimp community resides in Cameroon," said Beatrice Hahn of the University of Alabama, who led the study. "But that doesn’t mean the epidemic originated there because it didn’t," Hahn, who has been studying the genetic origin of HIV for years, said in a telephone interview. "We actually know where the epidemic took off. The epidemic took off in Kinshasa, in Brazzaville." Kinshasa is in the Democratic Republic Congo, formerly Zaire, and faces Brazzaville, in Congo, across the Congo River. Studies have A. monkeys are also susceptible to HIV. B. ADS has killed 25 million people in the last 25 years. C. vaccine has been developed to prevent AIDS. D. AIDS can be cured by drug cocktails. [单选题]小儿颅缝闭合的时间约为
A.出生时 B.6~8周 C.3~4个月 D.8~10个月 E.1~1.5岁 [单选题]根据变压器的工作原理,常采用改变变压器()的办法即可达到调压的目的。
A.匝数比 B.绝缘比 C.电流比 [单项选择]易发生神经和血管损伤的骨折()
A. 骨盆骨折 B. 肱骨髁上骨折 C. Colles骨折 D. 锁骨骨折 E. 股骨颈骨折 我来回答: 提交