Industrial pollution is not only a
problem for the countries of Europe and North America. It is an extremely
serious problem in some developing countries. For these counties, economic
growth is a very important aim. They want to introduce industries, and so they
put few controls on industries which cause pollution. Cubatao, an industrial town of 85,000 people in Brazil, is an example of the connection between industrial development and pollution. In 1954, Cubatao had no industry. Today it has more than twenty large factories, which produce many pollutants(污染物). The people of the town are suffering from the poisonous matters in their surroundings, and the bad effects can be clearly seen. Birth shortcomings are extremely common. Among children and grown-ups, lung problems are sometimes twelve times mo [单选题]客户信息可以分为定量信息和定性信息,下列分类中正确的是( )。
A.定量信息:健康状况;定性信息:兴趣爱好 B.定量信息:收入与支出;定性信息:投资偏好 C.定量信息:理财决策模式;定性信息:保单信息 D.定量信息:雇员福利;定性信息:养老金规划 [单选题]根据《锂电池航空运输规范》(7),充电宝在飞机上应全程处于( )。不应在飞机上使用充电宝为设备充电。
A.关闭状态 B.封闭状态 C.关机状态 D.开启状态 [单选题]以下关于可信计算说法错误的是:
A.可信的主要目的是要建立起主动防御的信息安全保障体系 B.可信计算机安全评价标准(TCSEC)中第一次提出了可信计算机和可信计算基的概念 C.可信的整体框架包含终端可信、终端应用可信、操作系统可信、网络互联可信、互联网交 易等应用系统可信 D.可信计算平台出现后会取代传统的安全防护体系和方法 [简答题]"The Child is Father of the Man," wrote the English poet William Wordsworth. 111. Adults today are as aware as Wordsworth of the importance of childhood experiences that a cherished and well-behaved child has a better chance of growing into a balanced, loving and law-abiding adult than an unloved one. The Children Act of 1989, created to give children much-needed protection against abuse, in the process legalized the ideology: the child comes first.
112. But while the nurturing of self-esteem in children is now accepted as a requisite of their development, the social and economic demands on over-worked, harassed parents often prevent them from putting this theory into practice where it matters most in the home. Indeed, much of the time it seems that parents themselves are suffering a crisis of self-esteem. Reports show that teenagers are increasingly obese and slothful. They watch on average between four and six hours of television a day. 113. No longer subj [填空题]通过PIS维护软件可以分别调节 、 、 、 音量。
A. 整体护理 B. 心理护理 C. 基础护理 D. 社区护理 E. 家庭病床护理 [单项选择]常规器械消毒灭菌合格率属于哪类控制()
A. 质量控制 B. 同期控制 C. 全面控制 D. 反馈控制 E. 前馈控制 [单选题]未来电网发展的特征是大规模可再生能源电力的(____)接入。
A.集中$ B.$分散$ C.$集中和分散$ D.$全部 [填空题]测温仪表按与介质接触与否分为接触式和()两种。
[单选题]《技规》规定新建、改建铁路正线采用( )kg/m钢轨的跨区间无缝线路。
A.75 B.60 C.50 D.43 [单选题]下列不属于《儿童权利公约》的核心要义体现的权利的是()。
A.生存权利 B.保护权利 C.参与权利 D.竞争权利 [判断题]在电分段、软横跨等处作业,中性区及一旦断开开关有可能成为中性区的停电设备上均应接地线,但当中性区长度小于20m时,在与接地设备等电位后可不接地线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]遗精肾精亏损者,治疗应在主穴的基础上加
A. 阴陵泉 B. 关元、志室 C. 肾俞、神门 D. 肾俞、太溪 E. 心俞、神门、太溪 [判断题]新建时速300~350km客运专线铁路设计预应力混凝土梁部结构,宜采用双线整孔箱型截面梁。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]Mp车底架设备布置:低压箱、风缸模块、风源模块、AB箱、蓄电池。(核心)
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]发现通风设备停止运转、有限空间内( )浓度低于或者( )浓度高于国家标准或者行业标准规定的限值时,必须立即停止有限空间作业,( )作业现场,( )作业人员。
A.有毒有害气体 B.氧含量 C.清点 D.撤离 [单选题]对以暴力方法抗拒或者阻碍人民警察依法履行职责,但尚未危及人民警察生命安全的违法犯罪分子,( )。
A.经警告无效的,可以使用驱逐性、制服性警械 B.可以直接使用武器 C.经上一级公安机关批准,可以使用武器 D.经本级公安机关负责人批准,可以使用武器 我来回答: 提交